Chapter 11 Stuck Together

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Song Inspiration: You'll Be Back (From "Hamilton")

Artist: Jonathan Groff


Darkness, muffled noises, and a strange smell of jasmine.

"Wake up!"

Harumi snapped her eyes open only to be blinded by fluorescent light.

The princess blinked away black dots and looked around what appeared to be an office.

She would have mistaken the place as a counselor's office from school had there been any windows, along with any motivational posters.

"Thank you, Stellar. You can leave now."

Harumi's body jolted when she felt a brush of fabric. She turned to find a young woman waltzing past her with cherry red hair. Despite her wild locks, Harumi nearly gasped when she noticed the woman's pure grey skin. She recognized some of the test subjects from her parents' lab carrying a similar skin tone.

The redhead's eyes landed on the princess. Her face was calm, but her gaze seemed to burrow into the teen's skin with distaste.

Harumi didn't have time to response before the woman exited the room with a click!

"Hello, Princess Harumi."

Harumi shifted her gaze towards the desk to find another stranger. Even sitting down, she could tell the man was tall. He too had grey skin, and his brown locks were slicked back, giving off an even more professional tone than his voice. His classy appearance, though, contrasted with the white tattoo splattered across his face.

"Tea?" he asked as his lips curled into a smile.

The princess blinked before she looked down. She was in a chair, and neither her hands or feet were tied. It was like she simply fell asleep from a rather dull conversation. She turned back towards the man with a clear frown.

"Where am I? Who are you? Why am I-" Harumi stopped when the man held up a finger.

"Ah, first answer my question..."

The princess's face contorted into confusion until she finally noticed the teapot on the table with two tea cups.


"Yes, I'd hate it if my guest was parched," he said.

"Cut the act, if this is a ransom, then you're out of luck. The king and queen won't pay you a cent."

"Like a biscuit or cookie?" the man continued while pouring himself a cup.

"And I'm not HUNGRY!" Harumi snapped before standing to her feet.

The man's face slipped into a frown, but his eyes resembled boredom rather than anger.

"Your highness, my men brought you here to my quarters and not a jail cell because I see greatness in you."

"Oh, how lucky am I," Harumi muttered before crossing her arms.

"You are lucky... though I believe you haven't had the best luck in a long while, have you?"

"Excuse me?"

The stranger paused his tea business before reaching down to grab a folder from one of his desk draws. He opened the vanilla folder and stared at the contents.

"Became an orphan at age 6 when a fire broke out in your apartment building, raised by the king and queen, who have never been the most warm and cuddly people, and the only person you consider a close loved one anymore is your childhood friend, the mayor's son, correct?" the man asked before lifting up a wallet, with his other hand, and opening up to reveal Lloyd's photo on a school ID card. Harumi's gaze widened as she went to the pocket on her sweater to find nothing there. She shifted her attention back to the stranger. Her look of horror slowly formed into rage.

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