Chapter 5 Hide the Cracks

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Song Inspiration: Surface Pressure (From: "Encanto")

Artist: Jessica Darrow


"Ha! Now I've got--"


Garmadon was flung back.

The old man panted once he regained his footing. He wiped the grey bangs out of his eyes as he readied another fighting stance. His body tensed, though, once a fist came crashing down towards his face.

He didn't have time to block it.

Garmadon shut his eyes, waiting for the blow.

He was greeted by a puff of air.

The old mayor dared to take a peek to find the fist had stopped inches from his face.

"I win."

Garmadon looked past the fist to find his son on the other end. His blonde hair was also a sweaty mess, but the grin on his face made it seem like he could still run a 5K.

His almost cocky smile made the father's heart swell, if only for a second.

"Are you sure about that?" Garmadon asked, growing his own mischievous smirk. Lloyd rightfully raised an eyebrow.

Before the teen could even question it, his father snatched his outstretched arm with both hands. Within seconds, he threw his son over his shoulders and onto the padded flooring below. Lloyd gave out a small grunt with the pain now consuming his back.

"Not bad, kiddo. You almost got me that time," Garmadon said, grinning with hands on his hips.

"Yeah, yeah... I'll get you next time," Lloyd replied before sitting up. The old mayor then kneeled down and ruffled the teen's hair.

"You're doing great, son. Just gotta keep practicing. We'll train again tonight after dinner."

Lloyd lost his frown once he acknowledged his father's words.

"You're getting off early tonight?" Lloyd asked, clearly puzzled. Garmadon returned the confused expression with his own.

"Uh, yes? Just like every Mondays and Fridays. You okay, Lloyd? Don't tell me I gave you a concussion or something. Your mother will kill me--"

"No, no, Dad. I... I just forgot it was Friday. I have a date with Harumi. I need to make it up to her for doing my half of our project and---"

"Whoa, whoa, hold on... what's this about her doing your homework for you?" Garmadon asked, slipping into a serious parent face. Lloyd's shoulders suddenly tensed. He waved his hands in surrender.

"No, No! Dad, I swear I didn't tell her to do it! The project just slipped my mind, and she did me a favor. That's why I gotta make it up to her. This date needs to be perfect. Sorry, I didn't realize it was Friday. I've been so busy with catching up on my assignments, making sure student council is running smoothly with the charity ball coming up. Then there's those events that I need to prepforwiththosedonorshisweekendand--" Garmadon slapped his hands over the teen's shoulders.

"Lloyd, Lloyd! Breathe!" his father cried. Lloyd gasped for air, holding his chest while his cheeks stung with a flush of red. "Remember what your mother always says? Breathe before you leap."

"It's speak, dad," Lloyd muttered after a few deep breaths, but he noticed the old man's knowing smirk.

"Just seeing if you were paying attention," he replied with a wink. This caused his son to scoff.

"Right, like when you called that new noodle house 'poodle' once?" Lloyd asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Look, son, I was tired, and I saw a woman walking her dog when I said it, okay?" Garmadon spat in defense, making the young man laugh. The mayor smiled. He had a hand on his son's back now. Relief washed over him once the teen's breathing had slowed down.

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