Chapter 10 Invisible

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Song Inspiration: Waving Through A Window (From "Dear Evan Hansen")

Artist: Ben Platt


Teenagers and their gossip.

Girls and their jealousy.

People and their lousy fake smiles.

"Hey Lloyd!"

Harumi nearly tackled her boyfriend in a warm embrace.

"Hey Harumi," Lloyd answered back once the two let go of each other. He gave her his signature bright smile. The Jade Princess could never get over that dorky but charming grin.

"I just finished my half of that project we're doing for physics."

All the color suddenly drained from the young man's face before he slapped a hand over his head.

"Crud! I completely forgot about that. Isn't it due tomorrow!?" he spat. His reaction made the princess chuckle.

While reassuring the panicking teen, Harumi could spot another girl staring at them.

Pieces of the frowning girl's short hair stood up on the back of her head screaming I woke up like this!

Her dirty sneakers, baggy pants, and crossed arms all gave the obvious implication that the teen gave zero effort in what others thought of her.

Nya Gushiken.

Lloyd's school friend. His best friend.

Any time Harumi heard the blonde call her that, it felt like a knife was stabbing into her back.

What makes her so special in Lloyd's eyes?

The princess shook off the thought while she continued the conversation with her boyfriend, handing him a folder.

No, stop it, Harumi. Why should you be jealous? You're his girlfriend now. The best friend label doesn't belong to you anymore. Besides... I-I have other friends too.

After a quick kiss, and a promise for dinner, Harumi left the duo and headed down the hall. As she walked, students backed out of her way. She received weary smiles and nervous glances from several teens. A few even scurried away like frightened mice.

The princess, though, ignored them. She held her head high, refusing to worry about the constant paranoia that came with her status. So many students were terrified to get on her bad side.

And who wouldn't be? Especially with the fear of her parents' ability to make any of their lives a living hell.

Ever since she was adopted, Harumi always had to deal with people walking on egg shells around her.

Servants, teens, and teachers alike...

always carrying those fake smiles.

Sure, Lloyd dealt with the same issue, but the problem was worse for Harumi because the princess never stepped outside of her bubble.

No extracurricular activities.

No going outside unless protected by body guards.

And friends...

Harumi turned a corner to find a few girls gathered by the lockers. When she came over, they stopped their chatter and grinned towards the blonde.

"Hey girl! Love what you did with your hair," one of them said. Harumi twirled a lock of her hair as she glanced at the ground.

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