Chapter 17 Amending Fences

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Song Inspiration: Castle on the Hill

Artist: Ed Sheeran


Once morning fell over the dojo, the team broke off into pairs to prepare the place for their new headquarters. Some pairs worked well... some not so much.

"I swear Wu's just making chores up for us," Kai growled as he unpacked boxes from the dusty attic.

"Just look for the extra training equipment..." Cole replied coldly while not taking his eyes off the pile of before him. He scanned every inch for the items in question.

"What's with you? Not a morning person?" Kai snapped, daring the taller teen to make another comment. He dropped the stuff he gathered from a box onto the floor and glared at Cole's back. The earth master let out a sigh before meeting the fiery teen's gaze.

"One, you of all people don't get to complain about someone's attitude, and two, I just meant that I barely got any sleep, and I just want to find the stupid dumbbells!"

"Aww, who knew the big guy needed so much beauty sleep," Kai mocked with a bitter frown.

Cole stepped forward and Kai followed suit.

"Do you have to have the last word, hair gel?"

"Only when someone tries to act like they're better than me-"

"Hey guys!"

The duo stopped their growing argument and looked down. At the bottom of the attic's ladder were Lloyd and Seliel and a ton of-


Cole and Kai nearly stumbled back when giant water balloons smacked them right in the face. When they wiped the water from their brow, they noticed the duo below held slingshots with water balloons strapped to their belts.

"Ha! That felt GREAT! Why haven't I ever done pranks before?" Lloyd asked gleefully as he turned to look at the pink-haired ninja.

"Like I said, you're wound up too tight, Greenie, but hey, you're learning pretty quickly," Seliel said with a proud smirk. "Now, time for the second lesson when it comes to prank mastery."

Seliel then yanked the sling shot out from Lloyd's hand and raced off down the hall.

"Every prankster for themselves!"

"Wha-Hey!" Lloyd spat in alarm before turning his focus back on the duo from above, realizing the growing rage in their faces.

Kai gritted his teeth before Cole placed a hand on his shoulder, which grabbed his attention.

"Temporary truce to pummel Greenie?" he asked. Kai then grew a grin before Lloyd started sprinting.

"Good luck catching me, suckers!" Lloyd mocked once he disappeared around the corner.

"YOU'RE DEAD, LLOYD!" Kai screamed while both him and Cole raced down the ladder and in the direction the younger teen went.


"This is most troubling," Pixal groaned. Skylor glanced in the android's direction to find her fumbling with breading of the pork. The whole counter top of the kitchen was consumed in ingredients. The duo was tasked with preparing meals for the group that day. Pixal, though, had covered her entire section of the counter, as well as the wall and cabinet doors, in flour and egg in hopes to make the breadcrumbs stick to the pork to bread it. The android's hands and face were splattered with flour while her frustration grew at the continuous mess she made. Skylor smiled next to her before continuing to cut the pork cutlets.

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