Chapter 15 Confession Pt. 2

500 14 15

Song Inspiration: Really Don't Care

Artist: Demi Lovato ft. Cher Lloyd


A few hours had past, and the group of teens laid lazily across the ship's deck. The sun was close to touching the water, giving it an orange hue.

"Anyone else's entire body feel like jello?" Jay asked with his face smushed against the wooden floor.

There were a few moans in agreement.

"Can't. Even. Lift my Hands..." Nya mumbled as she leaned against the railing with both arms flopped down at her sides.

Cole, sitting next to her, chugged a bottle of water. He had one leg pulled towards his chest to prop up his arm.

"Seriously, I don't think I've had a workout that intense in a long time," he groaned.

"Feels like an average weekday work out for me," Lloyd said, yet he still wiped his sweaty face with a towel. He walked over to the trio and took a seat next to his best friend. He handed Nya a bottle of iced cold water, which she greatly accepted.

"Your dad must be psychotic then if he's training you like that," Nya remarked after taking a big gulp of her much needed drink. Lloyd chuckled while he watched Zane head over to join their slowly forming circle.

"Nah, he just wants me to be prepared for anything."

"I'd say the man's narcissism is what you need to be concerned about," Morro piped in before laying down on the floor in the middle of the group. His comment made Nya snicker.

"Says the cat who told me how he sought to be a great and mighty hero who carried wasted potential," Lloyd mocked with a smirk.

"Do you want me to blow you off this ship, brat?" Morro asked with a narrow gaze, but he soon mellowed out when Nya stepped in.

"No, no, he's right. Your dad's a nice guy, Lloyd, but yeah, he's got abit of an ego on him when it comes to his work, like someone I know," the ravenette said before elbowing the green teen next to her. Lloyd playfully rolled his eyes.

"I don't have an ego," Lloyd answered with crossed arms.

"Oh, come on. Everything has to be done your way, and you have to be the leader in every situation. You nearly pulled your hair out when you were elected vice president of student council instead of president-"

Lloyd cut the teen off by raising his voice.

"O-kay! That's enough of that-"

"No, no, I want to hear this story," Morro replied. He met Lloyd's annoyed glare with a mischievous smirk before turning to Nya. "Did he throw a tantrum?"

Nya snickered while her lips curled into a huge grin.

"The biggest! He was so distraught by his 'failure' that I had to buy him icecream to calm him down," Nya answered, causing the group fall into laughter. Lloyd's cheeks flushed bright red.

"Alright, alright! You made your point. Can we change the subject already?" Lloyd asked loudly, glaring towards the giggling girl.

Nya then looked at him with a teasing smile.

"See? A little bit of control issues."

"Hey, that's nothing compared to how Skylor acts, especially when we first formed the team," Seliel called out. The group turned to find her at helm still steering the ship. Chompy was on her shoulder to catch the occasional gust of wind.

"You mean she was stricter than this!?" Jay exclaimed, sitting up to stare at the ninja.

"Oh yeah, when she didn't go off on her own, she would be planning out all these strategies and fighting techniques for us to do that Vania and I could barely wrap our heads around. I would basically do the opposite of what she said just to tick her off," Seliel remarked with a chuckle.

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