Chapter 3 More To You

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A/N: I really need to stop lying to myself when I say I'm not going to write anymore of a story for a while. I was planning on writing the next chapter of Heroes in the Shadows... but I couldn't stop getting ideas for this book... UGH!

Song Inspiration: The Other Side
(From: "The Greatest Showman")

Artist: Hugh Jackman & Zac Efron


It was a regular day on the movie set. They had just finished filming for that morning, so Jay had escaped to his trailer to freshen up. 

The ginger slipped inside and took a seat at his vanity. He scanned over the mirror in front of him. Most of the actors that Jay has worked with usually keep photos of their family or friends on their vanities or scattered on their walls. 

For Jay Gordon, though, the only pictures he kept were a few photo shots of him or his father winning awards. The only 'family' photo the actor had on his vanity was an old picture his parents took of all three of them together. Jay stared up at the faded photograph, seeing his mother's curly locks and bright blue eyes. His father sat next to her with a toothy grin, and little Jay sat in the middle with his arms raised in the air. All their smiles were not only wide... but genuine.

The teen sighed after a long pause before he shifted his focus on the compact in front of him. He opened it slowly and started applying the product to his cheeks. 

"Nice makeup."

"AAAHHH!!!" Jay screamed before throwing the compact towards the new voice. Behind him was a redheaded girl dressed in a light jacket and jeans. She only had to move her head slightly in order to miss the makeup thrown at her. The freckle-faced teen stared wide-eyed at the guest, holding a hand to his chest to calm his nerves. After a moment of processing, the actor shifted his eyes from the fallen compact to the random teen, also known as Skylor.

"What the-- Where did you even come from!? My door's locked!" Jay spat towards her.

"The roof vent isn't," she replied while pointing a finger upwards. Jay followed it to find that the vent was indeed wide open. The actor looked back down, keeping his bewildered expression. 

"O-Oh... kay? Well, can I help you?" Jay asked.

"No, but I can help you," Skylor answered while glancing at the window next to her. 

"Uh... that's not what I meant."

"I know, I'm trying to do the whole joke thing. My friends say I need to lighten up..."

There was a pause between them that lasted for an uncomfortably long time. The two stared at each other while a cricket chirped.

"Eh, jokes aren't my thing anyway," Skylor finished with a shrug. Jay then shook his head before shifting his hand towards the desk behind him.

"So, what do you want?" Jay continued while the redhead scanned around the room. 

"Well firstly, you better stop inching towards the panic button because it won't end well for your guards," Skylor replied without even looking at the actor. The ginger froze as his fingers stopped moving behind his back.

"Haha, what? No, I was just... grabbing my brush. Which, by the way, is used for concealer, not makeup,"  Jay corrected as he held up a brush. 

"Uh huh, even though the brush says CoverGirl on it?" Skylor asked with a smirk. Jay turned to read the print on the brush before facepalming himself.

"Ugh! I told them to stop it with the CoverGirl!" he spat while tossing the brush away, making the redhead chuckle. 

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