Chapter 7 Changing Destiny

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Song Inspiration: I Dare You

Artist: Bea Miller


"They should be around here somewhere," Zane whispered as the two teens walked through the forest. They had attempted to help their new ninja friends, but they were having trouble spotting them.

Zane stopped for a moment, scanning the terrain.

"Did we take a wrong turn?" he asked. Cole merely shrugged. The earth master's arms were crossed while he stared off into space, already wishing he were back in his cabin. When the android didn't receive an answer, he moved forward. A clearing was just up ahead.

"Maybe they went past this clearing..."

Cole reluctantly followed behind him. Silence grew between the two again. As they walked, though, the ravenette felt something.

Beneath his feet.

Cole stopped for a second again, feeling the earth shaking ever so slightly.

He narrowed his gaze.

The teen took in a deep breath while he tried to focus on the source of the shaking. His feet shifted towards the right while his eyes stared at the clearing ahead. After a minute more, the shaking grew. And grew. And---


"Ack!" Zane exclaimed when he was yanked back by his shirt collar. The android was nearly shoved to the ground by the larger teen's force.

"What was that abou--"


Zane stopped when he noticed the girls coming up from over the hill and were now racing down the clearing. They weren't running by themselves, though. In fact, they weren't running at all.

Vania and Seliel were riding on top of a wolf-like beast with horns while a stampede, of the same type of creature, raced behind them. Vania had wrapped a rope around the beast's horns, giving herself reins. Seliel sat behind her, throwing smoke bombs at anything that tried to claw at them from behind.

"This is both the best and worst day EVER!" Vania screamed with an unsteady smile. Both the girls and the stampede rushed past the elementals. The boys' mouths were left agape at the rather strange scene. Zane, though, was the first to snap out of the shock and quickly grabbed hold of a tree.

"Whoa, wait, what are you doing?" Cole called out over the thundering charge.

"The stampede is heading right for the village! We need to stop them!" Zane shouted back before climbing up a trunk and shimmying across a branch. The android took one quick inhale before dropping onto a creature and zooming past Cole. The earth master watched him go for a moment. As his eyes focused on the stampede, a memory flashed through his mind.

You honestly think you could ever be like Earth Maiden?

Cole narrowed his gaze before growling at the thought. He then shifted his focus onto the tree in front him. It wasn't long before he started his climb and hitched a ride on a wolf.


Vania continued with her screaming until she noticed something from the corner of her gaze. Her eyes widened before elbowing Seliel.

"Look!" she shouted. Seliel turned towards her friend's pointing to find Zane and Cole pushing their way to the front with their rides.

"What are you two doing here!?" Seliel asked in disbelief.

"Wanted to hitch a ride! Figured these things would be a quicker way home!" Cole shouted.

"Are you both alright!?" Zane asked.

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