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AS THE CRUZ FAMILY WALKED TOWARDS the Madrigal House, they greeted towns people came up to them and welcoming them to the town

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AS THE CRUZ FAMILY WALKED TOWARDS the Madrigal House, they greeted towns people came up to them and welcoming them to the town. Once they made it up the hill they stood in line and waited.

At the beginning of the line was one of the Madrigals, he shape shifted into the person in front of him and greeted them into the casita. As The Cruz family made their way to the front Yesenia, Señor Blanco, and Miguel entered the house after saying hello to the young Madrigal. Amora showed him her ticket as he stood there without moving before taking the ticket and waving at her in awe as she walked away with her family.

As soon as Amora entered, she had a smile on her face at the sight of everyone happily dancing and eating the food that was set out. Amora looked around until she had spotted her friend from earlier.

"Mirabel!" Amora exclaimed, "how are you?"

Mirabel turned her head to see her friend and smiled, "I'm good! Enjoying it so far?" She asked as Amora stood next to her.

"Yeah! Its pretty here. When does the ceremony start?" Amora questioned as she looked around and saw Isabella giving people flowers crowns.

"In a few minutes. Speaking of that, I need to go find Antonio. Oh and try and loosen up a bit, I can tell you feel like you don't fit in." Mirabel teased as she saluted Amora and walked upstairs to find the little one.

Amora laughed to herself as she walked towards Isabella and watched her hand out flowers to little kids and dancing with them. As she leaned onto the pillar next to her she felt someone suddenly come up next to her. She turned her head to see Mirabel again.

"You found him already?" She asked

"Who?" 'Mirabel' asked as she turned into the person she saw at the door.

"Oh it's you." She laughed as she turned her attention back towards Isabella.

"Names Camilo, what's yours?" He asked as he walked towards Isabella and grabbed some flowers from her and walked back towards Amora and handing it to her.

"Amora." She replied as she accepted the flower and stuck it in her hair above her ear.

"Love? Nice name amor." He teased as she rolled her eyes playfully. "Well, I've gotta bounce. Cya later amor."

Amora smiled as he walked up the stairs while Isabella followed behind. She took the hint and walked back to her family as the lights dimmed.
Abuela Madrigal began her speech before the light shined on little Antonio. He seemed nervous and looked back towards Mirabel. Mirabel walked towards him and grabbed his hand, walking him towards the door before letting him go.

Antonio grabbed the candle and then walked towards the door, as he touched the door knob a bird came towards the boy and sat on his arm.

"Uh-huh! I understand you!" He smiled, "of course they can come!"

Amora looked towards the entrance as animals began to rush into the house. The towns peoples started cheering as Antonio's room opened to show a jungle. Amora walked up the stairs and looked around his room in complete awe.

"It's cool isn't it?" Mirabel suddenly asked as Amora jumped, not knowing her friend was next to her.

"Yeah it is. How are you feeling?" Amora asked with concern as her eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm fine! Why?" Mirabel laughed awkwardly while looking at the ground.

Amora lifted Mirabels chin and sighed, "My papa told me about what happened at your ceremony. Its normal if you aren't fine Mirabel. If you want we can go outside away from them."

"No its fine, don't worry about me." Mirabel smiled as Amora put her arm over her shoulder. The other Madrigals had taken a photo together while Mirabel stayed with Amora. Mirabel bit her lip before escaping Amoras arm and walking out. Amora sighed as she saw Mirabel walk away; she didn't bother following her seeing as she knew she needed time alone.

Amora stood at the door way of Antonio's room incase Mirabel had came back. She watched everyone celebrate and dance while she crossed her arms and sighed.

She closed her eyes for a bit before feeling a rush of wind pass by her, she opened her eyes quickly and saw Mirabel run into the room and shouting that casita was in danger. She quickly got out of the way and watched as Abuela Madrigal scolded her silently before saying all was fine and that the party should go on.

Mirabel walked to the kitchen with her mom as she began to explain she knew what she saw. Amora walked in after Julieta explained that casitas fine and handed her an arepa con queso before walking out.

"Mirabel?" Amora whispered as Mirabel sat on the counter and ate the arepa. She looked at Amora sadly and patted the spot next to her. Amora nodded and sat down next to her.

"I know what I saw. No one believe's me." Mirabel mumbled as she pushed her glasses up.

"I believe you. Something felt off." Amora shrugged as Mirabel looked at her.

"Oh thank god I'm not the only one!" She sighed, "hey, why don't you sleep over?"

"Really? I've gotta ask first." Amora smiled, "I'm sure my mami will let me though."

Mirabel grinned as she hopped off the counter and motioned Amora to follow her as they walked back towards Antonio's room and joining everyone. The two danced and laughed the night away. Amora joked around in an attempt to make Mirabel's spirits lift. And soon enough the night had ended and everyone took off to their own homes.


"I saw you with Camilo earlier" Mirabel whispered teasingly. The two girls were in the nursery and on the floor while talking about each other's family.

"Yes, and?" Amora laughed silently as she put her hair behind her ear.

"He gave you a flower! He probably thinks you're pretty. I mean you are but like in a diffrent way. Ya know?" Mirabel said as she turned onto her back and stared at the ceiling.

"Yeah I totally get what you're saying."

"Anyways, you up for the plan?"

"Of course I am. I'll be as much help as I can."

"Good." Mirabel mumbled as she began to close her eyes before standing up quickly, "hey! You told me you'd tell me a secret after I told you mine!"

"Ah I forgot about that.." Amora mumbled, "alright. Just don't be like uh surprised."

"What would make me surprised?" Mirabel question as Amora stood up.

"I've got a gift too." Amora finally said. Mirabels jaw dropped as Amora let out a small giggle.

"What?! Explain more!"

"My mother and I have gifts. She doesn't really tell me about hers but I have a grasp about mine. I can control the elementos of the earth. Like water, fire, air, ya know?" Amora explained. She wanted to tell her about another secret yet she had promised her mother she wouldn't.

"That's so cool!" Mirabel gasped as she layed back down and mumbled how cool it must be.

"Alright, we've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow let's sleep." Amora mumbled as she layed down and closed her eyes.

- next chapters filled w
more camilo content :^)

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