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THE TWO GIRLS RAN AFTER THE HOODED MAN while bumping into the walls

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THE TWO GIRLS RAN AFTER THE HOODED MAN while bumping into the walls. Amora tripped on a rock and winced in pain as she sat there and motioned for Mirabel to keep going. Mirabel nodded and ran after the hooded man before falling. She held onto the only piece of wood she could in fear.

"No! No! Help! Help! Casita? Casita! Help me! Help me!" Mirabel pleaded as she slid off before being grabbed onto.

"You're very sweaty-" Bruno said before falling down with her. Mirabel held him up before slipping up and letting him fall. He stood up to reveal that there wasn't no death fall. He stared at his niece for a minute before walking away.


"What? No! Hold on- Wait wait! Ow! Why did you take the vision?" Mirabel asked as she followed him.

"Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. Knock on wood" Bruno said as he hit various wood pieces.

"What does it mean?" Mirabel asked once again, "Is it why you came back or?? Tío Bruno!"

"Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock. Knock on wood" Bruno said again, "You were never supposed to see that vision. No one was."

"But-" Mirabel began.

"A little salt.. Sugar. Sana sana, colita de rana" Bruno mumbled as he hopped around.

"Have you been in here patching the cracks?" Mirabel asked.

"Oh that? No, no, no, no. I'm too scared to go near those things. All the patching done by Hernando."

"Who is Hernando?"

"I'm Hernando and I'm scared of nothing!" Bruno exclaimed in a deep voice with his hood now on," it's actually me. I say my real gift was acting! Haha.."

"I'm Jorje. I make the spackle."


Amora looked at the two silently as she sat in the corner of Brunos room. She had found another passage way and weakly walked over to Brunos room. She listened to their conversation silently while adding ice to her ankle with her power.

"Use my room. The rats told me everything." Antonio said suddenly which made Amora jump and quickly get rid of the ice, "Don't eat those-"

"Our family needs help. And you need to get out of here." Mirabel pleaded as Bruno shrugged at the sight of his rats bathing.

The four were now in Antonio's room. Bruno was setting salt around in a circle while Mirabel was massaging Amoras ankle seeing as she kinda left her alone earlier.

"We might wanna hurry." Mirabel said while massaging Amoras ankle.

"You can't hurry the future! Heh. What if I showed you something worse? If I see something that you don't like you're gonna be like "Bruno makes bad things happen. Oh he's creepy and his vision killing my goldfish!"" Bruno sighed as he finished up setting the salt

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