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"COLOMBIA, TE QUIERO TANTO" Amora sang quietly as she sweeped the floor of her room

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"COLOMBIA, TE QUIERO TANTO" Amora sang quietly as she sweeped the floor of her room. She danced while doing so and sang the song she heard a few weeks ago. It was day 5 of her punishment meaning today was her last day of being banned from going outside her house. As she set the broom next to her closet and wiped the fake sweat off her forehead she looked down at the puppy who tilted its head. She sighed and sat down next to it and began ot pet the puppy.

"AMORA! LUNCH IS READY VENTE." Yesenia yelled out as she placed the quesadillas down on the table before sitting down and beggining to eat.

"Jees thanks for waiting." Amora joked as she walked into the kitchen and sat down next to her mom who rolled her eyes in response. The two ate im comfortable silence before Yesenia cleared her throat.

"I have decided to let you see Camilo today." Yesenia declared as she got out of her seat.

"WHAT? REALLY?" Amora gasped as she got up shook her mom before giving her a hug.

"Yes. Now go please, its embarrassing to see you talk to Chiquito." Yesenia joked. Amora stared at her mom before figuring out whom Chiquito was and let out a long 'oh'.

"Love you! Bye!" Amora grinned as she kissed her moms cheek before running out of their house.

Kids pointed and gasped as they saw Amora run out of her house and towards the Madrigals home. She waved quickly at some kids and dodged people who were walking near her.

"She's alive!"

"No duh—"

Amora knocked on the door of Casita after finally making it up the hill. She wheezed a bit seeing as she hadnt done much exercise in a while. She knocked again and crossed her arms

"Yes?" Pepa asked as she opened to the door. She gasped as she saw Amora there. "Your mami let you out early?"

"Yep! Now, wheres Camilo." Amora smiled happily as she rocked on her heels. Pepa laughed as she moved out the way and motioned towards the kitchen. Amora gave her an awkward thumbs up before running up casitas stairs and rushing into Camilos room. She looked around the empty room as she rose an eyebrow. He wasnt there.

"Boo!" A voice said as someones hands wrapped around Amoras waist and pulled her into a tight hug.

"You bitch—" Amora gasped as she hugged the boy back before turning back and kissing him. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. Dolores told me that your mom let you out early so I decided to suprise you." Camilo shrugged. "Now, follow me." He smirked as they slid down casitas stairs as it turned into a little slide. The two ran out of Casa Madrigal and towards town.

"Town? Again?" Amora joked.

"Hell no." Camilo responded as he pulled her past the cave they found. Amora rose an eyebrow and wondered where he would be taking her now. A few minutes had passed of them running and Amora had begun to lose her stamina.

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