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Camilo Madrigal was usually a guy who told jokes and made sure everyone was happy, laughing, and smiling. He never took things quite seriously yet on this specific day, he sure as hell was. He sat on his bed and stared anxiously at the mirror which faced him. He couldn't sleep, his mind was racing with thoughts and questions. He shook his head as he got off the bed and headed towards his door. He hesitated for a moment as he reached into the pockets of his dark brown pants and searched for the small box. He nodded to himself before opening his door and walking out, greeting his family members whom walked out of their own rooms and headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning sunshine. Seems like someone didn't get any sleep." Mirabel said as she walked next to Camilo. Camilo groaned as he nodded. The two walked downstairs before making there way outside where the rest of their family members where.

Everyone took their designated seats as they waited for Alma to come downstairs and make whatever speech she had prepared for this mornings breakfast. Dolores took notice of her brothers nervous and fidgety state. She looked over at her parents and caught their attention, she motioned her head towards him.

"Camilo? You okay?" Félix whispered over at his son, Camilo looked over at his dad and nodded.

"Yeah—" Camilo said before being cut off by Alma cleared her throat as she walked over to the table.

"Good morning Madrigals. Today will be an amazing day for everyone I hope." She began as she looked over at Camilo with a smile. "I'm sure we all know what Camilos planning to do today. With the random party he suggested we should do today."


"Mami! Vamanos!" Amora yelled out as she finished putting in the new earrings that Antonio had gifted her. She looked towards the stairs where her mom walked down it, all ready for the party. She frowned slightly before wrapping am arm around her mother. Señor Cruz passed away two months ago and it wasn't easy for the family. Miguel went to Mexico so he could spend time with his parents and sons, so it was just Amora and Yesenia at home.

She gave her mom a comforting smile before leading her out the house, Chiquito following right behind the two. They headed towards casita Madrigal eagerly. It had been a while since they threw a party so this was exciting. Amora smiled as she looked ahead and saw the family greeting everyone as they walked in. Camilo shapeshifting into the people that walked up as usual and Luisa taking the donkeys to their designated place while their owners were partying.

"This gives me so many memories." Yesenia mumbled while smiling at the sight. Amora nodded in agreement.

Finally, the two made it to the front of casa Madrigal. Amora waved at Camilo as Yesenia walked past after patting Camilo in the back. Camilo stood there for a few seconds, staring at her in awe before snapping out of it and waving at her as she walked past. Amora caught up with Yesenia (and Chiquito) whom were talking to Alma, Pepa, Félix, and Dolores. She greeted everyone with a smile on her face. Everyone talked on and on until Camilo and Luisa, whom were helping outside, finally joined everyone. Amora walked over to Camilo and grabbed his hand.

"Hi mi amor." Camilo mumbled as the two walked over towards the table filled with all different kinds of foods that Julieta had prepared.

"Hola Cami." Amora smiled while grabbing a buñuelo, "look, I love a great party but whys it so sudden? It's no ones birthday this month and i'm 100% sure theres no new Madrigal kid." She asked. Camilo choked on his food before recollecting himself, Amora patting his back.

"Ah well I guess we got bored of having no excitement?" He lied with a shrug. Amora looked at him skeptically as he nodded with a fake smile plasted on his face. He was a horrible lier.

"Sure." Amora laughed as she grabbed more buñuelos before walking back to the group of Madrigals and her mother who were chatting away.

Camilo sighed as he placed his plate of food down on the table and walking up the blocked off stairs and up to his room. He sat on his bed and took out the box that he had been holding onto for the past few days. He stood there before getting up, as he walked up to open his door he was greeted with parents and siblings who pushed him back into his room.

"Wha— What are you guys doing?" He asked while his mom made a 'tch tch tch' noise.

"Its so obvious you're nervous! Just go for it Camilo. We've been waiting for so long." Pepa exclaimed as she put her hands on her hips, Félix nodding in agreement with her.

"I'm not nervous!" Camilo defensively said, Antonio let out a giggle as he sat down next to his brother and shook his head.

"You're a bad lier." Antonio smiled as Camilo gave him an annoyed yet playful look.

"Camilo, just go do it already." Félix pleaded.

"Yeah what dad said." Dolores agreed as Camilo sighed and got up.

"Fine, lets go." Camilo said while getting up and walking out his room, his family right behind him.

As the family finally walked down the last step of the stairs, they gave Camilo a thumbs up in encouragement as he nodded at them and walked over to Amora who was laughing and joking with Mirabel. He cleared his throat which gained her attention. The Madrigals and Yesenias eyes were on them now, knowing what would finally happen.

"Amora Cruz." Camilo began as he looked at her nervously. "I have a question."

"What is it?" She asked as she tilted her head. Camilo got down on one knee as he brought out the box that he had been holding on to for the past few days.

"Will you marry me?"


btw she said yes

umm. vida is completed.

defo didnt cry bc this book
is my baby even tho i hate it

thank you for sticking with
me towards the end. (im
sorry for all my horrible

if you want another book
continuing amora and
camilos little life then lmk : )

i'll be updating it all and fixing
my errors! pls reread it once its all done.
i'll be adding longer chapters and stuff.

ok bye

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