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"Next thing you know, we'll be sharing last names." Dolores smirked as she bumped Amora with her hip as they walked around town. Amora bumped Dolores back as she shushed her.

"My brothers may hear you ya know?" Amora whispered as she eyed her house. Her brothers decided to stay for a few weeks to spend time with their family after 7 years of not seeing them. As the two girls traveled around Encanto and seeing if anyone needed help they went back to the main center of the town, people were dancing to music that was playing.

Amora's eyes lightened up as she grabbed her friends hands and leaded her towards everyone who was dancing, the two danced around eachother before Amora was spun into someone's arms, she looked up to see Camilo grinning at her.

"Didn't excpect to see you here." Amora laughed as she grabbed Camilos hands and began to dance.

"Was walking around and saw you and my sister." He shrugged while smiling. He spun Amora around as the two danced away.

The music still going strong and others still dancing around them. Dolores smiled as she leaned against a pillar and stared at the two before hearing someone clear their throat next to her. She turned her head and smiled as Mariano grabbed her hand and leaded her towards the dancing crowd.

The two couples danced for a long time until the music died down, Amora dragged Camilo away as she sat down on the ground, Camilo sitting next to her as she fanned herself.

"That was so much exercise." Amora joked as Camilo let out a soft chuckle. He grabbed Amora's hand and played with her rings on her fingers while she stared at him fondly.

The two sat there quietly, just enjoying the comfort of eachother next to eachother. The sun began to slowly set in back of them, Amora turned around before looking back at Camilo as she smiled.

"I love you." She mumbled as she grabbed his hand, his eyes brightened as he smiled.

"I love you too." He mumbled back. Amora laughed softly as she placed a kiss on his nose before placing her head on his shoulder.


"I heard it all oh my god!" Dolores exclaimed as Amora groaned, she threw herself on her bed while her friends came in her room.

"Heard what?" Isabela asked as she walked in last, Mirabel sat down next to Amora who layed in her bed. Luisa examined the girls room seeing as she's never been in it.

"Her and Cami—" Began Dolores before a flower closed her mouth. Amora turned around and stared at the girl. Dolores picked the flower out her mouth and smirked at Amora as she crossed her arms.

"Ugh fine, tell them." Amora said as she rolled her eyes and covered her face in embarrassment.

"Camilo and her said 'I love you' to eachother again last night." Dolores smirked as everyone gasped and looked towards Amora who was blushing.

"Oh my god we're gonna share last names." Mirabel exclaimed as she excitedly looked over at Amora. "You think he's gonna propose?" She teased.

"We're 15 Bel." Amora dead panned.

"Tough crowd, tough crowd." Mirabel mumbled as she put her hands up and scooted back a bit.

"No it's true. We are literally gonna share a last name sometime soon." Luisa shrugged as Mirabel grinned. Everyone agreed that it'd be true.

"Okay fine maybe that'll be true. I mean it'd be cool if we do." Amora smiled as she leaned onto her pillow. "Okay enough of me and Camilo, let's talk about Dolores and Mariano."

"Yeah no, bye." Dolores squeaked as she began to walk out the room before Luisa grabbed her by the shoulders and dragged her back in.

"Fine then, what about you Isa? Any secret partner you aren't telling us about?" Amora asked as she looked over at Isabela who's eyes widened as she crossed her arms nervously.

"Whaat? Me? No!" Isabela laughed nervously as everyone stared at her silently before laughing.

"You are such a bad lier Isa." Mirabel laughed as Isabela groaned.

"Okay fine maybe someone, but we aren't dating." Isabela confesed as everyone looked over in shock.

"Yeah I know." Dolores chuckled. "It's that Valentina girl isnt it? The one with bangs?" Dolores asked as Isabela nodded shyly.

"Good for you! No having to have pretend feelings. Hopefully this turns out good for you sis." Luisa smiled as she bumped her sister by the hip. Isabela smiled back before everyone began to talk again about random stuff that popped up into the conversation.


short but i NEED
to update.

giving isabela a gf
bc idk how to write
male oc's

(not making her have
one because i hc her as
a lesbian just bc she
didnt wanna date mariano.
she was forced into that
relationship to make the
family proud. i'm just making
her like a girl bc once again
i cant write make oc's.)

(dont call me homophobic
pls i'm literally bi 😭)

anyways enjoy this smol chapter

hint hint there may be a time skip

anyways good night

i'm very sick

kisses ur forehead

buenas noches


okay bye


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