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"NO!" AMORA YELLED OUT AS SHE stood up quickly in her bed

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"NO!" AMORA YELLED OUT AS SHE stood up quickly in her bed. Her breathing was heavy and quick as she gave herself a hug and gripped onto the sides of her stomach. She sat there in the dark, crying and alone. Or so she thought she was alone. Footsteps approached and her doorknob twisted. She looked up quickly to see her concerned mother at the door way. Yesenia sighed as she walked over and sat on her daughters bed, she stroked Amoras hair as she sang her back to sleep.

The nightmares had gotten worse as the days passed. Amora never knew what they meant yet she knew they were horrible and scary. She always woke up crying and fastly breathing whenever she had them. Her mother didn't know how she could explain them to her daughter withour scaring her so she just comforted her and ignored the topic whenever Amora asked.

The sun shined brightly on the outskirts of Encanto. Familys took their younger ones to the nearest rivers for a chance to cool off. The weather had gotten way crazier than usual ever since Amora begun to have the nightmares. Some days the sun would be melting everyones ice cream and others it would be hidden away as the wind roared and rain came crashing down. The towns people just thought that Pepa was going through something yet she wasn't.

"Morning Abuelo!" Amora exclaimed as she passed her familys little shop where her grandfather was taking his shift for the day. He waved at his granddaughter in return as she walked past and twirled around. She said her goodmornings to the kids she knew as she made her way up towards the Madrigal home.

Amora walked up the stairs and made it into her friends room and knocked. She stood there for a few minutes before sighing and walking away. The door jolted open as her friend rushed out.

"I WAS ASLEEP—" Mirabel yelled out as she composed herself and waved at her friend who was laughing. Amora and Mirabel continued with the plans they made yesterday.

The two girls walked out of casita and skipped towards the town, kids surrounded them and asked if Pepa was okay seeing how hot it was. Mirabel explained that Pepa's doing fine and didnt know why it suddenly got so hot. Amora laughed as the kids ran off and 'brain stormed' on why it suddenly got hot.

As the day went on, the cooler it began to get. Amora and Mirabel had been in town all day and were either buying from small shops or doing chores. Amora hadnt heard from her boyfriend all day and had began to get worried. Mirabel handed Amora some fresh fruit she bought the two sat down.

"Hey, is Camilo okay? I havent heard from him at all today." Amora asked as she took a bite out of a strawberry.

"Yeah, I think so. I saw him at breakfast and he was doing what he usually does. Maybe he's busy with chores?" Mirabel shrugged as Amora sighed.

"Maybe." Amora mumbled while picking at her fruit.

"Don't be so down. Cheer up." Mirabel nudged Amora with her shoulder, "He's fine. I promise."

"Mhm." Amora smiled softly before frowning a bit.


The day had passed and Amora still hadn't heard from Camilo. She didn't even see him! As she finished adding the final heart next to her bed she sat down and stared at her paint filled hands. Her pajamas all dirty with paint and water seeing as she used it to dry them. Amora sighed as she finally got up to put away her paints and try to fall asleep before hearing thuds coming from her window. Her head turned as more thuds came. She cautiously walked towards the window and opened it before looking around.

"Down here amor." He whisper-yelled. Amora looked down at the boy before smiling lovingly and growing a vine to help him up. After climbing the vine and entering Amoras room he tackled his girlfriend into a hug.

"Haha shh! My family will hear you!" Amora laughed quietly as she returned the hug.

"Then lets go somewhere if you dont want them to hear us." Camilo grinned as he grabbed Amoras hand and pulled her out her room. The two travelerd down the vine and started running off. Amora quickly turned lights off and put her sandles with a motion of her hand.

"Where are we going?" Asked Amore while still following Camilo.

"That's a secret amor." He winked while pulling her over infront of a wall filled with flowers.

"This is what you wanted to show me? I mean me and Isa can make that easi—" Amora began before Camilo moved them away and showed her the cave behind them.

The cave had beautiful flowers and a small river in it. Vines grew everywhere and the candles had a coloured look to them making the place colourful.

"Woah." Amora gasped as she stepped inside and admired it all. "I could make good use of this as a painting room." She mumbled. "Its so pretty here."

"Not as pretty as you." Camilo smiled happily as his girlfriend chuckled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Really? All I get?" He joked.

"You're an idiot." Amora said as she rolled her eyes and grabbed Camilos face before quickly kissing him.


"Thank you for tonight by the way. I missed you and really needed that." Amora smiled as the two walked back towards her house.

"It was no problem. I was too caught up with chores to even talk to you. Sorry for that again by the way." Camilo shrugged.

"Its okay." Amora smiled. They finally arrived to her house. She sighed as she grew a vine and held onto it with one hand. "I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled as she kissed him again before going up to her bedroom,

"God i'm so in love." Camilo mumbled as he sighed a love-sick sigh and began to walk back home.


hello tis is da 2020
mari writing

givin yall fluf
befor da sadness

anyways pls like
and comment it
encourages me 2
write more !!


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