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Amora was laying down on her bedroom floor as she replayed what had happened earlier

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Amora was laying down on her bedroom floor as she replayed what had happened earlier. Instead of saying that what she said was true and possibly getting a boyfriend she just ran away. Great!

She groaned as she got off the floor and went over to her moms room, she knocked on the door before opening it seeing her mom sewing. Yesenia looked up and smiled softly at her daughter, she patted the spot next to her on the bed as Amora walked over and plopped down next to her dramatically.

"What's wrong mi vida?" Yesenia asked as she began to strike Amoras hair. Amora only groaned in return as she put her hands over her eyes.

"Well first of all, I have may a small crush on that stupid Camilo. Secondly, Pepa and Félix found out and locked me in their room and asked me why I liked their son and so I told them that we'd be there for years if I did and I told them that I did like him a lot and as I walked out their room, BOOM. Camilo was right there! Instead of stopping and telling him, I ran off like an idiot." Amora explained quickly as her mother stared at her for a while before chuckling.

"Amora, just tell him already. I've seen you guys, you both are very cute together. Awkward at times but very cute." Yesenia smiled, "We're having dinner with them tonight right? Try and tell him today."

On the other side of Encanto was Dolores trying to escape Camilos room, her younger brother had been begging her to tell him if she was talking about it.

"Camilo! Cállate ya! I wont be telling you a thing, shes my best friend and I won't overstep her boundaries. We have to get ready for the Cruz's now. Ask her when you see her." Dolores snapped as she walked out of his room as Camilo sighed and walked to his bed.

As the night came closer and closer, the two teens anxiously waited to finally see each other after what had happened earlier that day.

Amora put a flower in her hair above her ear before looking at herself in the mirror. She smiled at herself and walked out her room while grabbing her coat. The other Cruz's had been waiting for her while mumbling.

"I'm ready!" Amora smiled as they all nodded and walked out the house.

As The Cruz family made their way to the Madrigal casita, Amora bit her lip as they got closer and closer and begun to feel nervous.

"Camilo, your girlfriends here!" Exclaimed Isabela as she passed the door and saw the family. She smirked as she walked to the dinner room. Amora blushed a bright red as Yesenia laughed and nudged her daughter.

"Ah welcome! Come sit, we just finished setting up I just need to call everyone to come downstairs." Abuela Madrigal greeted as she walked upstairs to get everyone who wasn't already downstairs.

Amora sat down at a seat across her family and began to play with her ring until hearing people walk downstairs, she turned her head when someone placed their hands on her shoulders.

"Hey Bel." Amora smiled as her friend sat down next to her.

"Dolores told me what she heard" Mirabel whispered while giving her a playful wink as Amora rolled her eyes. Dolores sat down to the other side of Amora while Camilo sat down in front of them. Amora looked the other way and didn't pay attention to him.

"Why are you not looking at him?" Dolores asked as she nudged the girl who was blushing a bright red.

"Because I'll get even more nervous than I already am." Amora responded with a fake smile as she grabbed food from the table and placed it onto her plate.

Dolores laughed as she began eating, everyone was having a fun night. Full of laughter and good food, the night was coming to an end. Amora escaped the dinner table and walked outside to get fresh air. She sat down on casitas stairs as she stared at the quiet town.

"You okay amor?" A voice said from behind her. She looked back and smiled as she nodded. Camilo sat down next to her and looked off at the town aswell.

"Yeah I'm okay." She mumbled as she bit her lip before sighing, "I know that you heard me kind of confess earlier. I just wanna say, it's true and if you don't feel the same way that's alright. I get it."

Camilo looked at the girl with wide eyes before chuckling softly, "Amora do you really think I don't like you back?" He asked as she nodded slowly, "Well I do, I've been meaning to tell you but it just hasn't felt like it was a good time." He admitted.

"You do like me back?" Amora asked as she turned to him while looking surprised.

"Yeah." He laughed as the girl smiled and quickly tackled him into a hug.

Inside casita stood Dolores who started to smile and told Mirabel about what she had just heard. The two girls sneaked behind the two who were outside, some of the family following them in curiosity.

"Amora Cruz, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Camilo asked as he escaped her right hug.

"God you're so cheesy." Amora laughed, "but yes. I'd love to be your girlfriend." She smiled as the two turned their heads after hearing a small 'Yes!'

"Shh!" Dolores whisper-yelled before seeing the two had already noticed them. She squeaked and turned around to try and run away yet stopped at seeing everyone was behind them.

Amora groaned as she closed the door with a movement of her hand and laughed before looking over at Camilo who sighed a love sick sigh.

He really had fallen in love with her.


short chapter
bc im behind
on schedule!

updating again
cuz I'm writing
as soon as this

enjoy and ty
for 1k reads!

remember to like
and comment
it encourages
me to write more!


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