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"OKAY WELL HOW EXACTLY DO I DO THAT?" Camilo asked his sister who just stared at him with annoyance

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"OKAY WELL HOW EXACTLY DO I DO THAT?" Camilo asked his sister who just stared at him with annoyance.

"Really Camilo? You both have been dating for a week now, you've kissed too! How hard can it be to ask her out on a date?" Dolores asked while doing extreme hand motions.

"YOU KNOW WE KISSED?" Camilo exclaimed before slapping his mouth as he saw his mother pass by the room.

"Well duh— Anyways, she's been eager to do something romantic other than hang out with you in town." Dolores responded as she kicked the door closed.

"How would you know anything about dating?" Camilo asked in a joking manner.

Dolores stuttered, "Excuse you! I'd like to let you know that I do! Tengo un novio pendejo!"

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry pendEja" he joked as Dolores walked over to him and slapped him.

The two squabbled on and on until Dolores called their parents into the room in annoyance. Pepa and Felíx tried to help the boy out on how to ask her and what they could do to help prepare a dinner.

"I give up!" Pepa exclaimed as a cloud came over her head, "Mi vida I am sorry but in the most nicest way ever, you are very stupid."

"Pepi!—" Exclaimed Felíx as he put an arm over his wife's shoulder to help her get rid of the cloud.

"What? Its the truth!" Pepa groaned as Dolores nodded in agreement. Camilo stood there dumbfounded until laying down on his bed dramatically.

"Okay, I've thought of a way. Leave my room now! You guys gave me a headache." Camilo mumbled as his parents and sister walked out his room. He played with the necklace on his neck as he tried figuring out a good plan on how he'd ask her. Sure, they've hung out and had dinner but they never officially called it a date. He'd ask her to come over for dinner but then everyone would be there so the romance in that idea was non existent. After a good few minutes of laying down and agreeing on a date his eyes went droopy and soon enough he fell asleep.

Amora stood in the middle of town next to the fountain as she painted people in front of her. Her family had begun a shop so she had nothing to do. To pass the time whenever her friends weren't there, she painted. And boy did she paint a lot. She was very skillful, almost never messing up as she didn't think for a second about where she should set the brush and when to stop. She didn't have many costumers, only the kids who always kept her company whenever they weren't running around and playing.

"And you're done! Here you go." Amora smiled as she handed the kid the small painting she did of her, the kid grabbed it happily and thanked her before running off to show her parents.

As Amora stood up from her stool she stretched and looked around to see if any of her friends had finished their chores. Hands wrapped around her waist as she turned her head to see Camilo there.

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