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"You know, Abuelo isn't gonna be happy about seeing you." Amora mumbled. The group had already been traveling for five hours and were at their last hour.

"I know." Leo grumbled as he rolled his eyes and turned his attention away from his sisters back. She led the group through the dark forest. The sun was seting so she had a light orb float above her hand to help them see more.

The atmosphere was awkward due to her small fights with Leo. Her other brothers didn't dare butt in, knowing that it would make Amora even more annoyed so they kept silent. As the group made it towards the top of one of Encantos mountains, Amora stopped and looked around. She couldnt let Leos girlfriend climb down a mountain with a baby. She stood there for a second before turning around.

"Flore, can you teleport people other than yourself?" She asked as she motioned towards Leos girlfriend.

"Yeah, i've done it before." Flore responded with a nod as he looked towards the girl who stood next to Leo.

"Great. You teleport her and yourself down there, i'll take everyone else with a vine. I just want her to be safer so a vine won't be ideal." Amora mumbled as Flore nodded and walked over to Leos girlfriend. She placed his hand on her shoulder and suddenly the two disappeared. Amora turned towards the rest of her brothers and summonded a few vines as she gave them each one.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Asked Angel as he took the vine.

"Yeah, now hurry." Amora shrugged as she held onto the vine and jumped off the cliff, she somewhat gracefully landed and looked up to her brothers who anxiously looked over the edge. She rolled her eyes and forced them each down with a quick tug. Everyone had finally gotten down the mountain and began to walk towards Encanto.

"This is where you guys moved?" Asked Leo as he looked around. Amora nodded as she leaded the group through the forest. Finally, Encanto was seen. Amora let out a deep breath and sped up her walking as she let Chiquito out the shawl he was in.

It was early morning by now, people began to exit their homes to start work and making breakfast. As the group made their way into the outskirts of town, some towns people gasped at the sight of Amora and some unknown people.


"Dolores? Are you okay?" Asked Abuela as she walked past Dolores room. Dolores looked over at her Abuela wide eyed as her mouth opened.

"Amora's alive." She squeaked out. Abuela gasped as the two rushed away from Dolores room and going towards everyone elses rooms, banging on their doors to wake them up.

"AMORAS BACK!" Dolores yelled out as she ran out of Casita and towards town, trying to find Amora.

Dolores looked around frantically before stopping as she gasped and saw Amora in front of her, people she's never seen right behind her. Amora's eyes widened as she ran towarda Dolores and hugged her.

"YOU'RE ALIVE? WHAT HAPPENED?!" Dolores exclaimed as she hugged the girl back tightly before backing up and looking at the people behind her in confusion. "Who are they?" She asked.

"Long story, i'll tell you later. Please tell me my moms okay." Amora asked as she patted Dolores back before walking towards her house.

"She's gotten worse. My tía's tried everything. No food works." Dolores said gloomily as she gave Amora a sad look. Amora bit her cheek as she nodded and ran towards her house. Opening the door quickly as she ran up to her moms room. Her brothers and Leo's girlfriend followed behind her quickly as Amora opened her moms door.

Yesenia was lying in her bed, motionless yet softly breathing. Señor Cruz and Miguel next to her as she held each of her hands. They looked up and gasped at the sight of Amora.

"Mami.." Amora cried out as she walked over and sat down on her moms bed, she opened the bag that Leo handed her earlier and took out the fruit. She looked towards Leo whom nodded as she broke the fruit into two. She handed Leo the other piece before turning towards her mom.

"Please, be okay Mami." She mumbled as she handed the fruit to her mom who weakly put the fruit to her mouth as she bit it. Her eyes closed as she stood there motionless. Not breathing this time. Amora looked around confused as she looked up at her moms peaceful face. She began to cry harder than she already was as she layed her head on her moms lap. Her dad rubbed her back as he held back tears while her brothers stared in shock. They hadn't seen their mother in seven years and this is how they saw her at last.

Amora sobbed as she muttered how hard she tried to make her stay alive, the long journey and fighting she went through just for this. She stood their silently as she tried to stop her sobbing, only sniffling before she lifted her head, her mom moved. She looked up frantically and saw Yesenia slowly open her eyes.

"I'm sorry." Yesenia mumbled as Amora got up and tackled her in a tight hug. Her Abuelo and Dad stared in shock as Amora shook her head.

"No, i'm sorry." She said softly as she backed up and showed Yesenia whom she had brought with her. Yesenia gasped at the sight of her sons, they ran over to her and embraced her in a hug.

"Aye dios, I missed you all so much." Yesenia laughed as she looked up to the other girl whom held a baby, Amora squeaked as she motioned towards Leo as he stood there awkwardly. "You're a dad?" Yesenia asked softly as Leo chuckled and nodded.




i almost sobed


posting another chapter
in a few

and one to troublemaker

tmrw : )


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