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5 years had passed in Encanto. Everyone still happy and thriving. Nothing much happened after the candle incident. So time moved on as it always does.

Amora layed down on the floor of the little tree house she shared with Camilo. She stared coldly at the half painted ceiling. She couldn't quite figure out on what to add to the ceiling. She groaned as placed her hands on her face. She stayed like that for a while as she tried to figure out on what to paint before hearing a small knock. She removed her hands from her face and turned her head to see Camilo leaning on the door way, smiling.

"Whats wrong mi amor?" He asked as he walked over and sat down next to the girl he sat up and slunched over.

"I can't figure out what to paint. An idea usually pops up into my mind but today, bleh." She complained. Camilo let out a soft chuckle as he placed a hand on her back.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out soon." He smiled as he looked towards her paints next to them. An idea sparked into his head as he looked back towards Amora who was frowning. He grabbed her chin and made her look towards him as he grinned. "Why don't we go buy you some new paints?" He asked. Amora's eyes lit up as she nodded eagerly and got up. She grabbed a vine that was next to their doorway, she motioned towards Camilo to walk over. He laughed as he got up and grabbed onto the vine, Amora's arm slithered over his waist as she led the two down the vine.

After a somewhat rough landing (they still haven't gotten used to using the vine as a way to get up and down from the tree house) the two made their way to town. Waving at the town kids who gathered around them and asked how they were. Amora smiled as she looked towards the group before seeing a new face. She stopped as she waved at the small kid.

"What's your name?" She asked as she crouched down. The little one backed up a bit as she looked at an older girl whom Amora figured was her older sister.

"Uhm.. Sam." The girl mumbled as her sister gave her a thumbs up and smile. Amora looked towards her older sister before looking back at Sam.

"I've never seen you out here! Are you finally old enough to hang out with everyone else?" Amora asked as the other kids and Sam nodded. "Well, it's nice to meet you! Me and Camilo are gonna head off now, bye!" Amora smiled as she got up and walked off with Camilo who grabbed her hand and leaded her towards the market.

"I see you like kids alot." Camilo said with a grin as Amora nodded.

"They're cute when their not crying." Amora joked as they finally reached towards the carts where people sold whatever they made. Amora looked around before spotting a painting cart, she pulled Camilo over and began to look around. She stood there for a few minutes as she picked up some paints she liked before paying. She turned around to see that her boyfriend wasn't next to her anymore. She looked around confused before shrugging and heading back towards the tree house, now having an idea on what to paint on the ceiling.


"Mijo, what's wrong?" Pepa asked as she looked over at her son who was desperately searching for something in his drawer. Camilo looked towards the doorway of his room as he chuckled nervously.

"Nothing!" He lied with a fake smile, Pepa rose an eyebrow as she walked into his room with her arms crossed.

"Whats wrong Camilo." She asked more seriously, now more concerned at her sons nervous actions.

"Ugh, i'm just trying to find extra money. I found this ring—" Camilo began before getting cut off by Pepa.

"Ring?! What kind of ring are we talking about here??" Pepa asked excitedly. Suddenly, Dolores looked over from the doorway, now intrested in what she had heard.

"Aye dios. I was supposed to tell you guys tonight at dinner." Camilo groaned, he looked over at his sister who entered the room whom was even more intrested.

"Tell us what?!" Dolores asked.


Amora sat down on her bed, trying to make a shirt for Chiquito seeing as he's grown out his other ones. She kept on stabbing herself with the needle once in a while on accident, which earned a few not so good words from her mouth. She continued to work in silence before hearing thumps on her window. She rolled her eyes playfully as she placed the shirt and needle on her bed before walking over to her window and opening it up, she looked down and smiled as she waved at her boyfriend who was waving at her.

"C'mon! Let's go somewhere." He whisper-yelled, "It's not like you have a curfew anymore." He grinned as she laughed softly, she walked away from the window and turned off the lights in her room and put her huaraches on. She grabbed a vine and quickly jumped off her window and landed next to her boyfriend who tried to soften her landing by catched her.

"Where we heading?" She asked as he grabbed her hand and began to walk opposite of the way to their tree house.

"That's a suprise mi amor." He smiled as she groaned.

"I don't like suprises and you know that Cami." She jokingly complained.

"I know." Camilo laughed as the two continued their walk, they made their way towards one of Encantos smallests mountains and looked up. He looked over at Amora with a hopeful smile as she rolled her eyed and summonded a vine, she grabbed it and made her way up the mountain leaving a speechless Camilo at the bottom.

"Oops!" She yelled out before dropped the vine for Camilo. He had gotten up the mountain and grabbed Amora's hand and lead her towards the middle of the mountain. "Why are we here anyways?" Amora asked as he looked around before spotting a rock.

"Just wanna see the sunset with my beautiful girlfriend." Camilo responded with a smile. He sat down and patted the open space next to him for Amora to sit down, she laughed softly as she sat down and looked towards the sun which began to slowly set.

"It's pretty here." Amora mumbled as she admired the scenary. She began to mesmerize the place so she could possible paint it one day.

"Not as pretty as you." Camilo responded with a proud smile on his face.

"You've said this so many times idiot." Amora joked as she looked over at Camilo with a smile. She planted a kiss on his nose before laying her head on his shoulder.

"Well it's true."


i've fed you lot

i actually wrote 1k
words this time damn

um anyways, one more chapter
until this book ends and i'll update
every chapter! pls re read once its all
updated. there will be longer chapters
and better writing!!!

also heres how i planned this chapter

also heres how i planned this chapter

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uh yea

updating trouble maker too

love u

kisses ur forehead

k bye


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