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"MIRABELAA DESPIÉRTATE!" Exclaimed Amora as she tugged on the blanket Mirabel was holding on while trying not to blow her cover of sleeping

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"MIRABELAA DESPIÉRTATE!" Exclaimed Amora as she tugged on the blanket Mirabel was holding on while trying not to blow her cover of sleeping. Amora groaned as she threw her hands up in the air. As Mirabel smiled to herself thinking she had won, water dropped all over her face. She quickly stood up and stared at the laughing Amora who was the one controlling the water.

"Really?!" Mirabel asked as she got up and began to chase Amora. The two ran around the house and occasionally bumped into some of the Madrigal family members. Amora stopped at the stairs and looked back at Mirabel who was now holding a rolling pin as a weapons

"Leave me alone—" Amora giggled as she slid down the stairs and went outside, she could see Camilo and Antonio setting up the table. She ran around them before getting caught my Camilo who had sensed Mirabel needed help.

"KEEP HER THERE IM GONNA GET A WATER BUCKET!" Mirabel ordered at Camilo as she ran inside the house to get a water bucket. Amora struggled in Camilos arms as she tried to get out.

"Let me go!" She yelled as she tried to wiggle out his arms while Camilo laughed at her.

"No can do amor!" He teased as he grinned. Mirabel came back with a bucket of water while dropping some. Amora swished her hand up and the water vaporized into thin air. As Camilo gasped she took the chance to get out of his arms and ran inside while Mirabel stood there in shock.

"Wh—" Camilo began before Mirabel ran off again.

"Are they crazy?" Asked Antonio

"Most likely." Camilo responded with a shrug as he continued to set up the table.

Mirabel quickly got changed into clean clothes and walked out of her room and back outside. Amora was in the bathroom to change which gave Mirabel a chance to talk to Dolores. Mirabel walked outside and saw Dolores getting food as she quickly went over next to her.

"Dolores hey! You know out of all of my older cousins you're like my favorite, so I feel like I can talk to you about anything! And you know you can talk to me about anything. Like the problem with the magic last night that no one seemed to worry about but maybe you heard about that maybe I should know about??" She asked quickly as Dolores looked at her without saying anything.

Tío Félix walked over to the two, "Camilo! Stop pretending your Dolores so you can have seconds!" He said as Dolores appeared behind him. Amora also came into view as she laughed and sat down at the table.

"Worth a shot!" Shrugged Camilo as he shifted to his normal self and walked towards Amora, stealing Mirabels seat next to her.

"What do you want?" Asked Amora as she took a bite of a arepa con queso. Camilo laughed as he turned his chair towards her.

"What was that earlier? When you like SWOOSHED your hand and poof the water went away?" He asked quietly as Amora shrugged.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She responded before seeing Mirabel stealing Tía Pepa's seat next to Luisa.

Abuelita Madrigal arrived and began talking about the upcoming events. Amora spaced out before being kicked from Camilo as she turned to Abuelita Madrigal.

"Yes?" She squeaked as she kicked Camilo back.

"How are you and your family settling in?" Asked the elder.

"Ah we are good! Abuelo and my parents love it here." She smiled as she gave her an awkward thumbs up.

"That's good! Im glad you're friends with my grandchildren." Abuelita nodded, "well let's eat!"

Amora shrunk in her chair as she slowly began to eat her breakfast while the family started talking about Isabella's proposal. She felt out of place yet stayed silent until the breakfast ended.

She got out of her seat and helped Félix  with the dishes while Mirabel ran off the find Luisa. She walked back outside and sighed seeing her friend had left her alone. A pair of hands clasped on her eyes as she laughed and took them off to see Camilo smiling at her.

"Pues señorita, que quieres hacer?" He asked her while taking her hand and dragging her towards the town.

"Not sure, suprised me." She smiled as she followed the curly haired boy to town. Little kids began to go near them and asking for the two to play with them.

"C'mon Camilo, let's play with them." Amora said as she pulled Camilo back and not letting him go any further. "What would you guys like to play?"

"Hide and seek!" One of the girls exclaimed with excitement as Amora grinned.

"I'll seek! Everyone hide" A boy with thick black hair said as he walked to the fountain and closed his eyes while beginning to count.

Amora pulled Camilo behind a cart, they sat down together as she shushed him while he giggled.

"Shut up!" Amora whisper yelled as she heard kids shuffling out of their hiding spots after being found.

"Oh yeah? Make me then." He smiled as she rolled her eyes and made her way closer to his face before smiling and putting her hand over his mouth. Camilo blushes a bright red as he tried to put her hand down yet failed as he stood silent.

"We found you guys!" The kids yelled as they pulled the cart which lead for the two to fall, Amora falling onto Camilo. Her eyes widened as she quickly got up and gave the kids an awkward thumbs up.

"Haha yep!" She laughed nervously as she walked towards the fountain again and sat down with the kids who got out first. "Another round?" She asked.


The two had ran around town while playing with kids before finally telling them they had to go. (which was a complete lie)

"So what do you wanna do now?" Amora asked as she sat down on a hay bale while Camilo sat down next to her.

"We can kiss?" He smirked as the girls eyes widened, she turned the other way.

"Gross no—" she mumbled as he turned her head to look at her with his hand.

"Really you don't want to?" He asked teasingly while staring at her.




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