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"Anything for mami. Anything for mami." Amora repeated as she pulled herself up the mountain she had been climbing. "FUCK YOU ENCANTO WHY DO YOU HAVE SUCH BIG ASS MOUNTAINS!" She yelled as Chiquito whimpered and looked at his owner.

"Sorry." She chuckled awkwardly as she began to skip forth. This was only the beginning of her mission.

As a kid, Yesenia always told storys to the girl. About how a certain fruit could heal anything. Their old home had tons tree's with that exact fruit. After hearing that her mother had begun to get sicker and sicker, she was determined to get that fruit. She decided not to let anyone know about her mission seeing as she didnt want any distractions. Mexico was far enough already. Of course she'll need to have a few pit stops in between.

She already knew the way from Encanto to her Tio's house so she knew where to go first. She'll get help on her next stop with them.

Amora's powers had felt harder to use than normal. She figured that out the hard way. She hummed to herself as she played with the necklace Camilo got her. She planted a kiss on it before looking straight ahead, determined.

"I'll make everyone proud. And Mami will be safe." She mumbled as she pet Chiquito who was in a little scarf/shawl around her chest.

Of course she couldn't leave her dog behind.


"Amora? Wh—Que estas haciendo aqui?!" A feminine voice said. Amora laughed awkwardly as she waved at her Nina while rocking back and forth on her heels.

"Haha— Heyy Nina.." Amora said as her Nina gave her a hug before calling out to everyone else. Soon enough her Nino and cousins came out. She rose an eyebrow as she saw one specific person was missing. Everyone greeted her in shock as they sat down at the table.

Amora cleared her throat, "Mami's sick. Thats why i'm here." She explained as everyone exclaimed in worry. "You guys know how Mami used to tell us about la fruita en el pueblo?" Her family nodded. "I need that fruit. I don't want to lose someone again."

"Are you sure it even exists?" Her cousin, Daniela, asked.

"Yes." Amora said confidently as her Nino got out of his chair and into his room. He came back and handed her a map of their old pueblo.

"You'll need it." He smiled as she grinned and looked back at her family.

"Wish me luck then. I'll be heading off." Amora smiled as everyone quickly gave her a hug before bidding their goodbyes.

Amora waved good-bye to everyone before heading off and following the small map her Nino gave her. She handed Chiquito a piece of chicken that she stole before speeding up.

She hummed to herself as she walked. It began to get darker and she was not ready for the night. Just one hour and she'd be at the pueblo. One hour. As she walked past a moving bush she stopped and turned around.

"Hola hermanita!" Exclaimed a voice. Amora jumped as she looked over and saw her brother. One of the many Cruz boys, Angel Cruz.

"Pinche cabron! Why weren't you at Nino's?!" Amora gasped as she held onto Chiquito who growled at Angel. Angel shrugged as he flipped his curly white hair to the side.

"Just out. Why are you here?" Angel asked as Amora began to walk faster, in hopes of loosing him.

"You don't know? Thought you would've known." Amora replied angrily as Angel rose an eyebrow. He walked up to his sister and stared at her.

"Why are you here?" He said seriously. Amora sighed as she stopped in her tracks.

"You really wanna know? Okay cabron, Mami's gotten worse. You and your stupid little mind reading power should've known that fatass." Amora hissed as Angel's eyes widened.

"Wait what? You're serious? How? I thought Xa—" Angel began before Amora gave him a death threatening look.

"Don't you dare bring him up. Let him rest in piece cabron." She threatened as Angel nodded. The two walked in silence.

"You never really answered my question by the way." Angel shrugged as Amora rolled her eyes.

"You know the fruit Mami always told us about? I'm gonna get it and bring it to her. Then she'll be safe." Amora sighed as she handed Chiquito another piece of chicken.

"Oh." Angel mumbled. "Want my help?" He asked as he walked infront of her and put his hands in his pocket.

"No." Amora deadpanned as she shoved past him her strides long in an attempt to lose him.

"Too bad." He shrugged as he walked next to her and waved at the dog she was feeding, who just growled at him in return.

The two began their journey in complete silence, up until half point.

"Hows the twins and Leo?" Asked Amora. She had five brothers in total, her being the youngest of all of the Cruz siblings.

"Oh Andy and Flore are good. Not sure about Leo though. He hasnt replied to my letter since a few months ago." Angel shrugged as his purplish eyes looked over at his concerned sister. "You know, for being the youngest you sure do act like the oldest."

"I just dont want another accident Angel." Amora replied.


oo whats this??

i have fed u guys

hopefully this clears
up some things !

btw all the cruz
siblings r hot 😍😊💪


gn ily guys

kisses ur head

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