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AMORA STOOD ON TOP OF HER BED as she painted on her ceiling

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AMORA STOOD ON TOP OF HER BED as she painted on her ceiling. After her secret night out with Camilo, she had gotten caught and was now facing the consequences of being banned from going anywhere but her room. She didn't mind it that much. She could paint her room even more and spend time with the puppy she had rescued. The only down fall was not seeing her beloved boyfriend.

"Day one of being banned from the outside world." Amora sighed as she jumped down from her bed and looked towards her puppy, "And I already miss Camilo."

The puppy barked in return.

"What? Can you blame me?!" Amora asked, "He's so pretty, funny, amazing, a great hugger, a great kisser, and overall just amazing!"

"Glad you think about him like that mi vida." Yesenia said as she opened her daughters door to grab the laundry. "But that doesnt mean i'll let you see him. You know your bedtimes 10."

"Agh!" Amora exclaimed as she jumped, "I know mami! But I—"

"No buts." Yesenia sternly said with a disaproving face.

"Ugh!" Amora groaned as she dramatically threw herself onto her bed. Her mother hummed as she walked out and locked the room with the laundry in her hand.

On the other side of Encanto was Dolores laughing at her brother who begged and begged to tell him if she was talking about him by any chance.

"This is the second time you've asked me to telll you this!" Dolores groaned as she pushed her brother away from him.

"Please!" Camilo begged.

"No! Now go help Bruno with some chores." Dolores said ss she walked out of Casita and towards town. She looked around for her cousin who had been her chores for the day. "Mirabel!" She called out as her cousin stumbled out of the yarn shop.

"Yes??" Mirabel asked as she pushed her glasses up.

"I've got some good things to tell you." Dolores smirked as Mirabel rose an eyebrow.


"Mami PLEASE." Amora cried out as she dramatically fanned herself. "Can I just see him once? 5 minutes max? PLEASE?" Amora begged.

"Aye dios Amora que no! You guys are cute and all but calm down. You can live without seeing him for a week amor." Yesenia groaned as she grabbed the dirty dishes and placed them in the sink.

"Ugh fine!" Amora sighed as she got up and washed the dishes. Hopefully this would get her on her mothers good side.

"Washing these dishes wont let you see Camilo." Yesenia said as she walked out the kitchen. Amora sighed as she finished up and headed upstairs and back into her room.

In order to keep herself entertained she painted, embroidered, sewed, doodled, and dressed up. Yet as the hours passed and it hit 10 she sat down on her window and stared at the quiet village. After a few minutes of stargazing she got up from the seat and began to walk towards her bed before catching a glimpse of a certain curley haired Madrigal.

"Camilo! I can't go out remember? I'll have a longer punishment if I get caught again." Amora whisper yelled as Camilo shrugged and motioned for her to give him a vine. With a movement of her hand a vine appeared and helped Camilo up and into her room.

"If we get cau—" Amora began before Camilo kissed her lovingly for a few seconds and then giving her a tight hug.

"I missed you so much." He mumbled into her hair as Amora smiled and patted his back.

"I missed you too Camilo." She whispered before he looked around her room and sat down as he admired the walls.

"Yeah you're definitely gonna go crazy by how much more paintings have been added onto your room." He chuckled softly. "Is that A+C writt—" He began as Amora ran and hid the letters with her body.

"Haha what??" She nervously said as she grew vines to cover it before walking towards Camilo and sitting down next to him.

"You don't have to hide that from me we're literally dating." Camilo teased as Amora rolled her eyes.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Amora asked as she eyed her door.

"We can make-out?" Camilo winked teasingly

"Yeah no get out." Amora joked as she pointed towards the window


short but i promise
tmrw yall gettin
a 2k word chapter
filled w fluff 😊😊


ok gn im tired


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