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"YOU DO LIKE HIM!" Dolores gasped as Amora laughed and put her hair behind her ear

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"YOU DO LIKE HIM!" Dolores gasped as Amora laughed and put her hair behind her ear.

Amora had invited Mirabel, Isabela, Dolores, and Luisa over to her house for a sleep over yet only Dolores and Mirabel made it. Today was the morning of that very chaotic sleepover.

"Maybe!" Amora shrugged, "He probably doesn't like me back though." She sighed as she picked up one of the flowers Isabela made for them earlier that day. She began twist them and make them into little bracelets.

"You are an idiot." Miracle dead panned as she looked at Amora in disappointment before laughing.

"Trust me, I'm his sister. He definitely like you! I mean he cals you amor. Does that not tell you he likes you?!" Dolores exclaimed as she threw her hands up in the air.

Amora only laughed in return as she finished up the bracelets. She got up from the floor and put flowers in both the girls hair with a movement of her hand. She had finally told the Madrigal Family about her powers so she could freely use them now. Dolores and Mirabel got up from the floor and dusted their new dresses that Yesenia gifted them last night. The two followed Amora out to the kitchen to see her dad cooking.

"Hola Papi!" Amora smiled as she got on her tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek before saying her goodbyes as she left the house, her friends following behind like lost puppys.

The sun shined brightly, towns people talking and selling, kids playing and running around. Amora still
kept on thinking about what the girls had told her earlier. Did Camilo really like her? She thought. She shook her head as stopped. Dolores and Mirabel paused as they looked up to see Camilo telling the kids a story at the fountain.

"I've got an idea!" Mirabel grinned as she pulled her friend and cousin to the fountain.

"What are you doing?!" Amora exclaimed as she tried to lead them another way.

Mirabel pushed her friend into the fountain which gained a few looks from the kids and Camilo. Dolores gave a fake gasp and Mirabel mouthed a sorry.

"Amora! You okay?-" Camilo asked as he jumped off the stool he was sitting on and helped the girl out of the fountain. He looked towards his cousin and sister and gave them an annoyed look, "Why'd you push her?"

"What do you mean?? Haha" Mirabel stuttered as she held onto Dolores, "Anyways, we gotta bounce! Bye Amora!" Dolores laughed as the two ran away and up the hill to their casita.

"Those little—" Amora began before noticing the kids, she got out of the fountain and shaked her body quickly as she dried herself with the wind. Camilo stared in awe. After being told about her gifts, he always thought she was cooler and still her powers cool.

"How was your guy's sleep over?" He asked as he took her hand and walked away from the fountain and towards casita.

"Good! Ah speaking of sleep over, I made this for you! Well us, but mainly you. I was gonna give it to you at dinner but you're here already." Amora laughed nervously as she handed him the flower bracelet from earlier. He took the bracelet gently and smiled, blush crept onto his face as he carefully put the bracelet on.

"I love it! Thank you.." He grinned as he hugged her, she returned the hug before letting go. He grabbed her hand and led them to casita, almost bumping into a few people as they ran.

Amora had figured out her feelings. Sure she liked him but did he like her? She wasn't sure if Dolores was just playing with her earlier about him liking her back so she kept quiet and didn't bother telling him her feelings.

The two entered casita and rushed up the stairs, Camilo wasn't sure where he was taking her. He just wanted to spend time with her. They stopped infront of his room.

"I just realized I've never seen your room." Amora mumbled as she put her extra hand on the doorknob. She turned in and saw a normal bedroom.

"Oh I can just make it look like anybody's bedroom i want." Camilo shrugged as she gasped and looked at him eagerly. He laughed as the room changed to hers.

"Woah!" Amora gasped as she sat down on 'her' bed. Camilo sat down with her as he examined her room. It was small yet pretty. She had flowers everywhere, paint all over the walls, and a little bed in the corner.

"What's that bed?" Camilo asked as he pointed to it.

"That's my dogs! I found her while I was making my way towards here, she's at home right now." She smiled as she looked over Camilo. Her face began to feel hot after she noticed how close they were. She took the time to take a better look at his features.

"You're pretty." She mumbled before slapping her mouth with her hand. Camilo laughed and thanked her.

"Thank you but I think you're the prettiest one here." He teased as he turned to look at her.

"CAMILO—" A voice yelled, the two quickly looked at the door and scooted farther away from each other.

"OH Hi mami!" Camilo chuckled nervously as Pepa rose and eyebrow and smirked at the two.

"My bad, I'll get going now." Pepa teased as she walked out the room and closed the door.

Amora got up from the bed and started to walk backwards slowly, "I should get going! I've got chores to do.. I'll see you at dinner!" She smiled as she ran out the room and closed it. As she turned around she was met with a smiling Pepa.

"Oh hi Pepa!" She chuckled nervously, "How are you today??" She asked as she walked backwards but bumped into someone behind her. She turned around to see Félix smiling.

"So, you and my son? Huh?" Pepa grinned as Amora blushed while looking for an escape.

Amora was now in Pepa's and Félix's room, she sat down on the bed as they questioned her with why she liked their son.

"OKAY OKAY! I like him okay? Alot. I have many reasons too but I'm not telling you them all because we'd be here all year! Now please let me see my family" she pleaded as the two opened their mouths in shock.

She got up from the bed and looked at the two, "Okay bye." She opened the door to get out before being met by Camilo who stood there in shock.




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