lets talk ( emotional serious not clickbait)

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its me

beloved author 😊

anyways i wanna tak ab why i gave amora a gift 😊


so bc i knew id finish the whole story IMMIDETAYELY (whcih i did) i wanted to add lore

so thats why

totally not coming up in the next two or three chapters and there totally isnt an almost death but its ok

we get more camilo and amora content

and mirabel and dolores content (love u bbs)

um also i love ur guys comments that are slash pos

it makes me happy



anyways someone asked for an amora x y/n and i might do it

also ask questions here on this comment!! if u have any

so ya

updating at like late at night

bc im procastinaing and sobbing ab the lore



love u guys

kisses ur forehead


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