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"Angel, I swear to god if you don't stop bumping into me I will literally tie you up with a vine and let you stay here im the forest alone." Amora groaned as her brother nodded and stepped away from her.

"Are we there yet?" Angel asked quietly.

"We should be there soon." Amora sighed, "Maybe ten minutes?" The two walked in silence. The scenery changed and there were less trees by now. They were near the pueblo. Amora gasped as she sped up. Houses could be seen and people were walking around. She grabbed her brothers hand and rushed over before being stopped by a very specific person.

"You guy's can't enter un—" The guy began before he opened his eyes and gasped. "AMORA? ANGEL?" He gasped as the two in front of him smiled and nodded.

"Hola, Andy." Amora smiled as she was englufed into a group hug with Andy and Angel. She laughed as he let go and stared in awe.

"Holy shit we havent seen eachother in ages." Andy muttered before looking back and searching the crowd. "FLORE! PINCHE CABRON VENTÉ!" He yelled out before looking back at his sibling. Suddenly his twin spawned next to them, he gasped at the sight of his younger siblings and quickly hugged them.

"Amora? You're all grown up." Flore smiled as backed away before turning towards Angel, "Angel, you're still ugly." He joked.

"Alright enough chit chat. Angel already knows this but I've got bad news." Amora began. "Mami's gotten sicker." She explained as her twin brothers suddenly became serious.

"The fruit. That's why shes here. Well, both of us." Angel finished as Flore sighed.

"Leo took the last fruit of the season." Flore explained as Andy nodded. Amoras expression changed quickly.

"What the hell? His power is literally healing! Why does he need it?!" Amora asked angrily.

"Something about his girlfriend, his powers wont work on her. She recently got sick with some unknown sickness and since shes the 'love of his life' he took the last one. He left the pueblo because people began to hate him." Andy replied as he let out a sigh.

"Take me to him." Amors demanded, "Now."


The four Cruz siblings began their small walk to a certain part of the forest where Leo's house was. Amoras mind was filled with so many emotions and thoughts. How could she force her ignorant brother to give her something that she needs most. Sure girlfriends are important but a mother is much more important. She sighed as they came to a sudden stop. Leos house was infront of them, shadows could be seen from the window. She bit her lip as she took long strides and walked to the front door, her brothers right behind her. She knocked quickly as they waited until the door opened.

"Amora?" Leo mumbled as he opened the door fully. Amora sighed as she grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him outside. She closed the door with a motion of her hand, (thanks to the wind) seeing as she didn't want his girlfriend to hear what was about to happen.

"Leo, good to see you after 7 years." She mumbled as her brothers stood behind her, scared of her angry presence.

"What are you doing? You've grown up so much. How's Mami?" Leo asked obliviously.

"How am I doing? You never sent me a letter all those seven years. You promised you'd talk to me no matter what. Obviously i've grown up so much, its been seven fucking years since you left us Leo!" Amora cried out as Leo backed up. "The reason i'm here is because of Mami. She's gotten so much worse ever since you left. How could you leave us after Axel?!" She asked angrily, tears began to form in her eyes and threatened to drop.

"Wait, what?" Leo asked as he furrowed his eyebrows while stepping back. Amora stepped closer to him and put her hand up before stopping.

"I'm dead serious Leo. Now give me the fruit. I know you have it." Amora demanded as she reached her hand out. "Ive got to leave before Mami gets worse."

"I'm not giving shit to you!" Leo said as Amora's eyes widened.

"Give me that fucking fruit! Our mothers on the line pendejo!" She yelled, "You really want another Axel accident? YOU WANT THIS TO BE YOUR BURDEN AGAIN?" She asked, tears began to drop.

Leo stepped back and fell due to a branch. He looked up at his sister who was in tears yet still seemed intimidating. He scowled and got up as he went inside the house. He came back with his girlfriend whom was carrying a baby and a bag that he held onto his right hand.

"You can have this, but we're coming with you. I don't want another accident. Just please split it. I don't want to lose her." Leo said as his girlfriend looked over at his siblings with concern.

"Fine. Lets get going then. Its six hours so I hope you're ready for this."


one more chapter
of lore until hapines


hopefully this is god

if u have questions pls lmk!

gn ily guys


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