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As Amora hummed to herself she waved hello to the kids who followed behind her, wishing her a happy birthday and asking what she'll be doing for the day

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As Amora hummed to herself she waved hello to the kids who followed behind her, wishing her a happy birthday and asking what she'll be doing for the day. She laughed as they begged for answers.

"I don't know, my friends have been avoiding me today so I'll probably just celebrate with my family later today. Why so eager?" She asked as she sat down on the fountain, the kids looked at eachother.

"Uh no reason!" One of them laughed nervously as Amora rose an eyebrow. The kids tugged on each others arms as they ran away from the girl who let out a chuckle before walking back to her house which was empty.

She sighed as she unlocked the door and was greeted by her furry companion. She sat on the floor and played with her until hearing foot steps. She looked up to see her mother carrying a box which she almost dropped as she saw her daughter was home.

"Que estas haciendo aqui?" Yesenia questioned as she nervously laughed. She put the box behind her as Amora looked at her confused.

"Ah well I was going to go and buy some paints with the money you have me earlier but everything was closed." Amora shrugged as her mother nodded and put the box in the kitchen quickly before helping her daughter off the floor.

"How about you go add onto your wall? I'll be cooking con chiles and I know how much you cough when I do." Yesenia said as she rushed her daughter into her room and locking her in before grabbing the gift and running out their house and towards the Madrigals.

Amora stared at her door in confusion until sighing and grabbing the paints under her bed. She set them on top of her bed and grabbed a few of the jars and placed them on her drawer. She grabbed a paint brush and got up onto her bed and began to paint her ceiling in hopes of passing the time.

On the other side of Encanto was the Madrigals frantically setting everything up for Amoras surprise party. They had announced what they were doing to the town while Amora was away thanks to Antonio telling her puppy to "run away".

"Dolores! Can you hear if she's getting suspicious?" Isabela asked as she sprouted flowers everywhere.

"No, she's just painting. We have to hurry though. She may be dumb but she isn't this dumb to believe we aren't doing something." Dolores responded as she placed the last bowl of food down on the table.

"Is everyone ready? People are coming." Yesenia asked as towns people walked up the hill and towards casita. Everyone nodded as Yesenia motioned for Mirabel to get her. Mirabel grinned as she ran out the house and towards the Cruz's Casa.

Mirabel unlocked the Cruz's house and removed the chair that stopped Amora from leaving her room. She knocked and waited before Amora unlocked it and smiled.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Amora asked as she threw her paint stuff under her bed with a motion of her hand. Mirabel chuckled nervously and put her glasses farther up her nose bridge.

"No reason! I just need your help with something in casita! Now follow me please, it's urgent." Mirabel lied as she grabbed her friends hand and pulled her out the house and towards Casita.

"Alright, alright! I'm going." Laughed Amora as she followed her best friend up the hill and into Casita, "whys it dar—" she began before everyone jumped out and yelled 'suprise'

"Suprise! Feliz cumpleaños!" Everyone exclaimed as Amora gasped and started to fan her face.

Camilo walked over to the girl and gave her a quick hug before being engulfed by everyone else in a group hug.

"Happy birthday amor." He whispered into her ear before giving her a kiss on the cheek, she blushed and smiled. She turned her head to everyone else who had begun to party. Music playing and people eating food.

She grabbed Camilos hand and spun him around while dancing to the music, he laughed as he joined in and spun her in return. The two danced together for a few minutes before Amora got pulled away from her friends and danced with them.

She smiled the whole night away. While dancing with her friends and family (and new boyfriend), eating the food Julieta had prepared earlier, and eating cake. It got late as the town had went away to rest up while the two family's stayed up.

"Present time!" Mirabel exclaimed as she pulled Amora out of Camilos arms and sat her down on the stairs before handing her the present she made for her. Everyone else handed her her presents as she began to open them.

After opening all her presents and thanking everyone who have her one. The night had come to an end as the adults started drinking and laughing and telling storys. Camilo brought Amora outside again to the steps and sat her down before giving her a box. She opened it up to see a small gold necklace that had the letter 'C' on a heart.

"This is so cute.." she smile as she asked for him to put in on. He tied the necklace on her before showing her that he had the same one but with the letter 'A'

"This way, we'll always be together. No matter what." He smiled.

The girl stared at him for a moment before looking around to see if anyone was around the two.

"Do you need any—" Camilo began before getting cut off as Amora grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. She kissed him for a few seconds before parting away.

"Sorry. I just had to give myself the best birthday gift." She grinned as he stood there star-struck.





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