19. What happened to us ?

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POV Poyraz

That evening, after seeing Melisa and Alper, when I come home Haziran is already there. I know she was supposed to go see Biricik too. She's sitting on the couch, looking at her phone, and my gaze is irretrievably drawn to my mother's letter on the coffee table in front of her. This morning, at breakfast, I had put a book on top of it, but Haziran had to put it away because the suit is perfectly organized and I can't see the book anywhere. I finally realize that Haziran is staring at me and, when I look at her, she puts her phone in her purse next to her and stands up to face me.

« How are Melisa and Alper ? » She asks me.

« They're fine, they say hello to you. »

« It's been a while since I saw them... » She recognizes.

At least she realize she cut herself from everyone since "the news". Everyone but Biricik.

« And I haven't seen Biricik for a while. » I recognize in my turn. « Maybe we could organize a dinner with friends ? »

« Here ? » She's surprised.

Yes, okay, the suite is a bit small and there is no table and chair to eat. I can't see us all squeezed together on the couch and eating on the little coffee table.

« Could we meet at the restaurant ? Or ask Biricik to do it at her house, but we're the ones who organize everything ? »

« Okay, we'll see that. »

She nods, but I can see from her expression that it means "not now".

« Haziran, you don't have to stop living during these two weeks. »

« I know. And I don't stop living, I'm just not in the mood to pretend I'm happy and want to joke and laugh. »

She doesn't say it as a reproach and yet I take it as such.

« Maybe it would do us good, on the contrary, you know, to think of something else, to have a good time. »

« Listen Poyraz, I think yoy perfectly know that I hardly sleep as you have a front row seat. I'm exhausted, I don't even know how I succeed to work all day, so no I don't want to go out. But if you want to go to a restaurant or to have fun with friends, don't deprive yourself for me. »

Yeah, the nightmares...

« You know, about the baby, I was thinking... » I start awkwardly, running a hand nervously behind my neck, before she cuts me off.

« Can we talk about something else for once than this baby ? »

I cringe in surprise as I look up at her. She sighs, certainly noticing the prickly tone of her voice and resumes more calmly :

« What I mean is we talk about this baby all day long and it's not getting anywhere. But we have other things we need to talk about. »

« Okay... What about ? »

« Oh, I don't know, maybe the elephant in the room. » She ironises.

I frown, lost : « The what in what ?! »

« Your mother's letter. »

« There's nothing to say about it. »

« Truly ? Because it's getting heavy. »

« I don't know what you mean, it's just a piece of paper lying on the table. »

She chuckles without amusement.

« You do everything you can to avoid looking in that direction, when you sit on the couch, you feel compelled to put a magazine, or a book or whatever comes your way on top of it, just to hide it up. »

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