12. Good to be home

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POV Haziran

I can't believe we spend yesterday's, all day, in bed. We didn't even have done that during our honeymoon.

We finish eating our breakfast in a light atmosphere, chatting and laughing before starting to clear. As we're almost done putting everything back in the small kitchen, Poyraz comes up behind me, puts his hands on my hips, and turns me around. I grab his forearms to steady myself and look up into his eyes, already starting to smile.

- I know that look. I whisper, already losing myself in it.

- I have no doubt about it. I guess I look at you like this a lot.

- A lot, eh ?, I repeat, wrapping my arms around his neck.

- A lot. He confirms, pulling me closer.

- I see...And how do I look at you ?

- Like you're thinking the exact same thing as me.

- Imagining, you mean ? I rectify.

- Yeah, precisely.

- What if you show me what you imagine so that I can confirm ?

He reacts in a second, his lips pressing against mine, our tongues already meeting. God, I love him. I want him. Always, it's so much stronger than me, no matter what. He grabs my hips again but this time he lifts me up, sitting me on the counter. I feel something being pushed and then I hear it crash noisily on the ground but none of us pay attention to it. I spread my thighs so that it comes between my legs, his body against mine again, my legs wrapping around his waist, his hands on my thighs, sliding over my skin, reaching the limits of my shorts. We split up breathless.

- Why do our breakfasts always end on the floor ? I ask.

He follows my gaze to the broken plate on the floor and the scattered food.

- Not always.

I arch a skeptical eyebrow in his direction.

- Okay, it may have happened sometimes. He admits.

- Sometimes ? I repeat.

- Several times. He corrects. We are newlyweds, that's normal. He explains with a shrug.

- Oh yes, having sex several times a day is completely normal. But I'm not sure breaking everything and wasting food is.

- We have been apart for two days. He tries to justify again.

I just look at him so he ends up adding :

- I'll be more careful from now on. Satisfied ?

I laugh.

- Very.

- You're a very demanding wife, Haziran Özgür.

- Is it a problem ?

- Not at all.

He rubs his thumb over my bottom lip.

- So ? He asks.

What is he talking about ? I can't even think clearly anymore.

- So what ?

- Is that what you were thinking ? Or rather, imagined.

- Yes, totally. I admit.

- I knew we were on the same page.

He smiles to me and my world is shaken once again.


I go out from the bathroom into the living room, a towel tangled in my hair and another around my breast, just long enough to cover my ass. I look at Poyraz who is in the open kitchen.

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