6. I will never accept you

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As I walk past my old house, I see Aliye Teyze a few meters away, getting ready to go home. I run to catch her who sight deeply seeing me.

- Good morning, Aliye teyze, I would like us to talk if you allow it.

- Last time we talked to each other you allowed yourself lecturing me, little impertinent ! She replies, already angry. And then, you've married my grandson without my blessing while I was at the hospital !

- I understand it could have hurt you and I'm sorry about it. I take it upon myself to apologize in the hope of appeasing her a bit. Look, Aliye teyze, we're a family now so we could make an effort to get along better and-

- You, listen ! She interrupt me, stopping herself and turning to face me. I will never accept you ! NE-VER ! You're not from my family, you're nothing to me ! And soon you won't be anything for my grandson, understand ? I'll find a way to convince him to divorce you.

- It won't happen and you know it. Poyraz won't get a divorce just because you want to, or we wouldn't have gotten married to begin with.

- Not just because I want it. But because I'll help him understand what kind of woman you are.

- If we got to know each other a little better, maybe we...

- No ! I could never like you. Just like I never liked Poyraz's mom and I was right ! This time I'll fight to the end.

- I'll never hurt Poyraz, especially not on purpose. As I told you that day, if Poyraz burned his finger, I would turn to ashes. I remind her.

- You've said a lot of silly things on this day.

- No, I've said a lot of truths. Another was : I'll be by his side till my death, and I will !

- We'll see that !

- I know what you did. You've gone to see her, asked her money, just to get rid of me.

- And I'll do it again if needed. She replies. I'll even asked her money if I thought I could pay you to leave.

- I tell you, Aliye teyze, I'm ready to make effort for us to get along better, but I'm already his wife so the choice is yours : you can decide to make an effort too or trying to fight me. Either way, at the end of the day, nothing will change, I'll still be his wife.

- You haven't seen anything yet. When you'll have experienced all that I gave his mother to live, we'll see if you don't leave too.

I stay shocked for a second, blinking stupidly. Did I understood correctly what she said ? Does she have some responsibility for the departure of Poyraz's mother ? Did she abandon him because of her ?

- What ? Are you scared ? Are you beginning to realize the magnitude of what awaits you ? She asks me in her haughty and superior tone.

- Did you pushed her to leave ? I ask.

She smirks, an evil smile that gives me a chill down my spine, before turning on her heels to go home.

I leave her house with loose nerves and, as I move forward as if my buttocks are on fire, tears come to my eyes. After a while, my vision is so cloudy that I sit on the floor and the first tears roll down my cheeks.

A shadow looms above me. When I look up, I notice that a person has stopped right in front of me, hiding the sun from me. This is the hotel guest I met yesterday morning. She smiles with ampathy and hands me a tissue.

- Are you okay ? She asks, worried.

- Yeah, nothing important. Thank you for the tissue.

- I know we don't know each other but you can talk to me if you want. It's easier to talk to someone you don't know than someone you do.

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