18. Nightmares

630 32 15

POV Haziran

« I don't even understand how it's possible... » I sigh in despair, resting my forehead against his chest.

« Really ? » He repplies, surprised. « Because that's what happens when you have sexe, you know ? »

« That's not funny... »

« I would have tried at least. » He responds tenderly.

« But you're right... » I sigh. « And we talked about it, you and me. »

« What about exactly ? »

« The risk of getting pregnant despite the pill, because it's not 100% effective etc... »

« Ah, yes, the day after our wedding night. »

« Yes. And we decided, with full knowledge of the facts, not to use condoms. » I remind, annoyed. « I'm so stupid... I never imagined that the pill wouldn't be effective this much ! It's only been 6 weeks ! »

« It must be said that we really make love a lot. »

« Thank you for this brilliant remark, we can say that it helps us a lot. » I ironically say, pulling away from him. « You know, I... I promise I didn't forget any of them. »

He frowns, staring at me with incomprehension : « I beg your pardon ? »

« My contraceptive pill, I have never forgotten it. I even have a damn app that reminds me to take it at a set time and as long as I don't check the box, it keeps reminding me ! »

His gaze softens as he puts his hands on my hips, pulling me back to him.

« Breathe. I know, okay ? I believe you. And I'm not blaming you. »

« I don't want you to think that... »

« Think what ? That you would have forgot on purpose in order to get pregnant and trigger a panic attack ? »

Yes, okay, seen like that necessarily...

« No. That you think I was careless when now I'm terrified of the idea. »

« Even if it was the case, I wouldn't blame you. » He assures. « Technically, we're both responsible, no matter what. »

He places a kiss on my forehead and I feel the tension in my body ease slightly. I relax slowly, closing my eyes.

« How do you manage to have so much patience with me ? » I ask in a whisper.

« Look at me. » He asks.

I open my eyes again and fall into his beautiful hazel-green eyes.

« Because I love you more than anything. »

« You want this baby, don't you ? » I ask in a shaky voice, dreading the answer.

He sighs, taking the time to choose his words : « Not if it's going to make you unhappy. »

A mirthless chuckle escapes me as I take a step back :  « That doesn't answer my question. »

« What do you want me to tell you ? »

« The truth ! Do you want this baby, yes or no ? »

« Yes, I do. »

I nod slowly.

« And now ? » He inquires. « What do we do ? How do we decide ? »

I shrug my shoulders and he continues :

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