15. What a day...

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A week later, I don't see Poyraz much, everyone busy doing different things for the hotel, but everyday we meet to eat together for lunch. And today, we have to try a dish that Görkem wants to add to the menu. We expected him to put our plates down and be gone, but he settles in the chair next to me and watch us take our first bite to see what we think about it.

- It's very good, Görkem. I assure.

- What did you say it was called again ? Poyraz asks

- Coq au vin. He says with a French accent that would make you cry with laughter. It is a French gourmet dish.

- Great ! Poyraz comments.

From the look Poyraz gives Görkem, I can tell he was expecting him to go now, but Görkem seems determined to stay. Poyraz sighs before resigning himself to ask :

- Something else ?

- Well, since you ask, evet !

Poyraz smirks, amused, while I suppress a laugh by stuffing a full fork into my mouth.

- Summer is over, autumn is here. Görkem announces. Soon it will be a bit too cold to eat on a terrace, right ?

- I suppose. Poyraz responds.

- I know that initially you were only planning to open during the summer season but the point is that the hotel is still open and now that Haziran has decided to stay, that you are married etc... I guess you'll stay open all year, right ?

- We haven't really thought about that yet, Görkem. I interfere.

- It would be time to do it ! He retorts. Otherwise, while your dear husband will take care of his olive oil factory, what will you do, canim ? Will you be kindly waiting for him at home and preparing inedible dishes for you to kill time ? We are no longer in the 50s !

I suppress a cry of indignation because, yes it's true, what I cook is often inedible.

- What is your point ? Poyraz asks.

- If you want to stay open all year, you're going to have to start thinking about where we'll feed customers when it's too cool to eat out.

Poyraz and I exchange a knowing look : he's not wrong.

- All right, Görkem, we'll talk about it. I assure to him.

- You should make up our minds quickly. He adds.

- If you started by leaving, maybe we could start discussing it. Poyraz blurted out in an uninviting tone.

Once again, I refrain from laughing, but Görkem's outraged look back at him makes it very difficult. He gets up theatrically from his chair, turns on his heel briskly, making his hair flies, accompanied by a haughty little "uh!" and walks away.

- It wasn't very delicate. I point out.

- You know I've grown to like him, really. He assures me, before concluding : But sometimes too much is too much and he ends up annoying me.

- I know, baby, it's what we call the "Görkem effect". Plus, we can not say that you are very subtle. I answer with a smile, amused.

He smiles in turn before sounding thoughtful:

- But, let's face it, he's not wrong. We have to decide what to do.

- He's right on something else too: I can't see myself sitting home waiting for you all day 80% of the year.

- I know, I know you. He approves. And that's not what I want. This is what I love about you.

I raise a questioning and surprised eyebrow and he develops :

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