20. Apart

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When Biricik calls Haziran for breakfast, she doesn't hear an answer. Yet she was sure she had heard the front door a few minutes ago. She therefore heads for the entrance and freezes when she sees her best friend curled up on the floor, against the door, her body shaking with violent sobs.

« Haziran ? » She breathes, stunned and worried.

She barely has time to sit down next to her and put a hand on her shoulder, as Haziran takes refuge in her arms. She then does the only thing she can do : she hugs her with all her strength, while stroking her hair in a soothing gesture. What could Poyraz have said to put her in this state ?

« Did you have a fight again ? » She dares to ask when the sobs turn to silent crying.

« He doesn't want me to come home. » Haziran reveals in a broken voice.

« What ? How so ? »

« He thinks it would be better for us to live separately for the moment. »

« Really ? »

« I'm losing him, Biricik... »

« No, canim ! Did he talk about separating or divorce ? »

« No, but it will come, you'll see... »

« I'm sure that it's not the case ! He loves you so much ! »

« But I hurt and disappointed him so much... »


That afternoon, Haziran behaved in the most cowardly way she could have imagined... She knew that Poyraz wouldn't be there at 2 p.m because he would be in interview with the postulant for the post of Chef. She should have been there, too, as a partner and manager of the hotel. But she didn't feel strong enough to see Poyraz and that was the only moment she was sure she wouldn't run into him, so... Yeah, she was a coward.

For his part, Poyraz was in the small lounge of the hotel reception, sitting with the postulant Chef, Kalir, they had been waiting for Haziran for a while. He sincerely thought she would come. She had always been so professional, still coming to work even when he had put her through hell after finding out the truth. He sighed, it broke his heart to find that it was going even worse than he had imagined.

« Are you sure she had to come ? » Kalir inquires.

« She should have, yes. » Poyraz responds, before adding in a shameful lie : « She wasn't in good shape this morning, so maybe she preferred to go to rest. »

« Oh... I can wait if you want to go see how she's doing. »

« No, she would have called me if there was something serious. »

He saw in the eyes of the man in front of him that he knew he wasn't really telling the truth, but he had the courtesy of not pointing it out.

« Do you want us to reschedule the interview ? »

« No it's not necessary. We"ll do the interview together and I'll report back to Haziran later. And, if we all decide to follow through, we'll schedule a trial where we'll make sure she's there to taste your cooking. »

« Fine, that's fine with me. »

After the interview, he went straight to their suite, he had a bad impression. His doubts were confirmed when he got there. Haziran hadn't come to the interview because she had taken the opportunity to collect her things in his absence. Her robe was gone, along with her slippers, toothbrush, hairbrush, laptop, phone charger, and a lot of other things... He sighed again deeply as he dropped sitting at the end of the bed, taking his head in his hands : How will they going to get through this ?

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