2. First morning

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POV Poyraz

Daylight floods the room and wakes me up. First thing I notice is Haziran naked body curled around mine, her hand on my heart, which make me smile. I try to get out of bed without waking her before putting on a boxer and out of the bedroom, quietly closing the door behind me.

I decide to start making breakfast before she wakes up so I can bring it to her in bed.

I thought about bringing what was needed to prepare cucumbers, black olives, as well as Menemen which is scrambled eggs with tomatoes, peppers and onions.
I'm just finishing the Menemen when I hear her voice still hoarse from sleeping:

- Poyraz Ali Özgür, letting your wife wake up alone in bed the first morning after marriage is not a very good idea. It doesn't bode well for the future.

I can't help smiling at her playful voice tone. I turn around and forget for a second what I was about to say or even what we were talking about. She've stopped halfway between the bedroom door and the counter that separates the kitchen area. Wrapped in the sheet of the bed that she holds on her chest, her hair in disarray and her face still sleepy, she is the most beautiful thing I have seen in this world. Even more when she blushes slightly and I realize that I may have been staring silently at her for a bit too long, which makes me chuckle slightly.

Finally, I respond with a sorry shrug:

- I made breakfast.


POV Haziran

When I woke up, it takes a few seconds to manage to fully open my eyes, blinded by the sunlight. When I finally manage it, I sit up on my forearms, surprised not to find Poyraz by my side. However, from the smell that reaches into the room and the sounds of kitchen utensils, I can quickly guess where he is.

I can't help but smile as I get up from the bed, looking around for my clothes. Only, the day before, we were content to change without unpacking our suitcases and my clothes from last night are... well, I don't know. Surely scattered around the living room. I smiled more at the memory, finally grabbing the sheet on the bed to wrap it around me.

When I leave the bedroom, I immediately see Poyraz in the kitchen. I am speechless for a moment when I find him wearing just a boxer. Finally, I say:

- Poyraz Ali Özgür, letting your wife wake up alone in bed the first morning after marriage is not a very good idea. It doesn't bode well for the future.

My voice doesn't contain any reproach or even admonition to be honest, how could I ? He turns around, ready to speak, when he finally freezes. His dark gaze roaming every square inch of my body. I feel a hot flash in my cheeks as, immediately, new flashbacks of that night come back to me. I don't know if it's my embarrassment or his own reaction that makes him laugh, but he goes on without comments :

- I made breakfast. He replies as if that's a good reason.

- Yeah I can see that, but still...

- You weren't supposed to get up actually. He explain.

- What does that means ? I ask, frowning.

He raises his arm to open a cupboard and pulls out a tray which he shows me :

- Breakfast in bed.

- It's ... absolutely considerate and romantic.

- I'm gonna pretend you don't look surprised.

- I'm surprised by the attention, yes, but that doesn't surprise me from you, actually.

- So we still take breakfast in bed ?

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