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Okay so hi again. This chapter isn't very important but I still recommend you read this because it will help you understand some stuff and I think it's overall pretty cute.

"Are you excited for your first year at Hogwarts dear?" Audrey LeBeau asked her daughter, Y/N, as they were driving past London, on their way to Kings Cross station

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"Are you excited for your first year at Hogwarts dear?" Audrey LeBeau asked her daughter, Y/N, as they were driving past London, on their way to Kings Cross station.

"Of course she is," said Jonathan, Y/N's older brother, as he ruffled her hair from the seat beside her. "Fin woke up at five in the morning out of excitement."

He calls Y/N 'Fin' because when they were young and went on a trip to France, they went into a small pond, and anytime that a fish would touch her leg (or at least she thought one did) she would shout and try to run out of the pond. By the end of the day, Jonathan's stomach hurt from laughing so hard. Since that day he gave her the name 'Fin' even though she absolutely despises it.

"How did you know about that?" Y/N questioned as she tried to flatten out her hair.

"You weren't exactly 'quiet'" he accused. Y/N shrank in her seat a bit.

"Don't worry darling, I was also excited before my first day at Hogwarts," Audrey said comfortingly. "What house do you think you will be in?"

"I honestly don't know" Y/N wondered.

"Well, we definitely know that you won't be a Ravenclaw," Jonathan teased.

"Well, they did let you in, so I think ill be OK," she retorted

"Hey!" Jonathan exclaimed as he shoved his sister slightly

"Jonathan, don't hit your sister," said Audrey.

"Yeah Jonathan, don't hit your sister," Y/N teased

"Can we maybe just leave her home?" Jonathan asked his mother hopefully. "Another full Y/N-less year could be great"

"Shut up, you know you missed me last year," Y/N replied knowingly

"No, I didn-"

"Kids please stop fighting," Audrey pleaded, making her two children settle down in their seats. "We're here."

Y/N was too busy fighting with her brother that she didn't even notice that they had reached King's Cross station. She felt the rush of excitement return to her body as she looked out of the car window barely being able to suppress her smile.

They left the car and walked towards platforms nine and ten Jonathan looked around to make sure that no muggles were looking, and went through the wall that leads to platform nine and three-quarters.

Audrey turned to look at her daughter. 

"Are you ready?" she asked with a kind smile.

Y/N had already gone through to the platform last year when she went to say goodbye to her brother as he left for his first year at Hogwarts, yet she was still a bit nervous. "Yes," she eventually replied, not moving her gaze from the barrier.

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