Third Year ➪ The Flight of the Fat Lady

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Later that day, Y/N was walking down to dinner with her friends when she heard someone call her name

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Later that day, Y/N was walking down to dinner with her friends when she heard someone call her name.

She turned around to see Ernie Macmillan, a Hufflepuff boy in their year, walking towards them.

"Oh hey Ernie," she said with a smile as he reached them

"I haven't seen you since last year," Ernie noted. Ernie and Y/N haven't been very close friends, but they still talked occasionally.

"How was your summer?" He asked her.

"Fine, how was yours?" She replied. At that moment Hermione smiled slightly and pulled Harry and Ron into the Great Hall.

"Mine was great," he said. After a small pause he started, "did you have Defence Against The Dark Arts yet?"

"Yeah, we had it today."

"Professor Lupin is a really great teacher isn't he?"

"Most definitely. And he's way better than our two last professors," Y/N replied with a light giggle.

"I don't think that's even a competition," Ernie laughed, "is it true that someone's Boggart turned into Snape wearing old-woman clothes?"

Y/N suddenly broke into a large mischievous grin.

"Oh Merlin that was hilarious!" she gushed, "it was Neville's Boggart and Professor Lupin told him to put him in his grandmother's clothes."

"Genious," said Ernie.

"I appreciate the compliment, Mr Macmillan."

Lupin showed up out of nowhere behind Ernie, causing both him and Y/N to jump.

"But as amusing it must have been to see Professor Snape wearing Mrs Longbottom's clothes, I wish for you to not disrespect him," he said kindly, "it seems that the concept of him dressed like that in front of a class full of students bothers him for some reason." -- he added the second part in a lower voice.

"Don't worry professor," said Y/N, "I won't laugh at Snape."

Lupin was already a few steps away from them when he turned -- behind Ernie's back -- and gave Y/N a wink.

"See you at dinner!" the beloved professor said to the two, before entering the great hall.

Y/N smiled at the professor that was slowly becoming her favourite and turned her attention back to Ernie.

"Oh he's most definitely better than Lockhart," said Y/N.

"Oh certainly," said Ernie.

"I think I should get back to my friends now," said Y/N, "We planned to eat and then get back to the common room to start on our homework and I'm pretty sure Hermione won't be waiting for me to finish eating if I take too much time."

"Oh yea sure," Ernie replied, fidgeting with his hands, "hope to see you around!"

"You too!" She replied, starting to walk away, into the Great Hall.

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