Fourth Year ➪ Champion

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an early chapter for a special someone's birthday...

an early chapter for a special someone's birthday

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Y/N felt her heart drop to the ground.

The words rang through her ears to the point that she was beginning to think that her mind was deceiving her. It wasn't until Dumbledore said it again that there was no doubting it.

"Harry Potter!" he called louder this time.

Y/N turned to Harry and saw that his face was even paler than hers probably was. It seemed that he was trying to smoothly hide under the table -- quite stupidly, for the whole room was looking straight at him.

Hermione was the first out of the five who came to her senses and pulled Harry up and pushed him towards the front of the hall.

Y/N's mind felt too numb to even comfort him like she usually would have.

He walked slowly to the teachers' table, locking eyes with Dumbledore.

It felt as if time had stopped. After Harry went through the door to the backroom it took a few moments for anyone to say anything. The entire hall was silent.

"I ask all the students to walk back to their sleeping quarters," he said in a firm voice and turned to the teachers, where Madam Maxime started speaking angrily in French.

Y/N was too tired to listen to what she was saying. she hadn't moved an inch since Harry's name was drawn. She hadn't even noticed the loud chatter that had erupted in the hall once Dumbledore finished speaking. 

"What just happened here?" said Hermione in a quiet voice.

She got no answer.

"Your friend is very good at getting into trouble isn't he?" said Felicity worriedly.

"Sadly, yes," Y/N replied.

"Do you think he did it?" Hermione asked.

"What do you mean?" said Ron angrily.

"Do you think he put his name in?"

"Of course he didn't!" Y/N defended immediately. "Do you guys know Harry since yesterday? -- not you Felicity -- He would never!"

"Of course you'd be on his side. . ." said Ron in the same tone as before.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Nevermind," he said, getting up from his seat. "What a dick," he muttered as he walked away alone.

"I should go," said Felicity awkwardly, "bye."

"Bye," Hermione muttered. A few moments later, she asked "are you coming as well?"

"I think I'll wait here for him. . ." said Y/N. "you go check what the fuck is up with Ron."

Hermione nodded and walked away.

Y/N lost track of time waiting for Harry. She spent the time pacing in front of the door that all the professors disappeared into, thinking about what had just happened. 'Harry couldn't have put his name in. . .' she ruled out. 'he hates the fame and has enough money. He has no need for a thousand galleons. Maybe someone put his name in as a prank? But then, how was he picked? And as a fourth champion.' And then after ten minutes, a thought came to her head. A thought that she had been trying to push back. Because even thinking about it was terrifying for her. 'What if this has something to do with Harry's dream? What if this is You-Know-who's doing. . .'

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