Fourth Year ➪ The Burrow

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The rest of the summer went by quickly, the end of August coming unreasonably fast, and with that, the Quidditch World Cup

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The rest of the summer went by quickly, the end of August coming unreasonably fast, and with that, the Quidditch World Cup.

The drive to the burrow went by quickly. Not because the ride was short. But because Y/N slept for most of it.

As she and Audrey came closer to the Weasley's, Y/N's excitement rose. In a few minutes, she would be seeing Ron and Hermione, after not seeing them for over a month. Hermione got to the Burrow earlier that same day and the Weasleys plan on picking Harry up the following day.

Y/N knew she was getting closer once she saw three figures flying quickly through the sky, looking like oddly shaped birds. The moment the Burrow came into view, she saw one of the figures throwing something at the other, making him fall off his broom.

Audrey stopped before the house just in time for Y/N to say a quick goodbye and run out of the car quickly enough to laugh at Ron.

"Not funny Y/N!" Said Ron.

"It actually is, younger brother," said Fred, landing beside Y/N and placing his broom over his shoulder; George doing the same from the other side of Y/N, and placing his free hand on her shoulder.

"How are you, little one?" George asked her.

"Much better now that I've been greeted with Ronald here falling off his broom," Y/N laughed.

"I didn't fall!" Said Ron angrily. "Those idiots--" he pointed to Fred and George, "--pushed me!"

"No need to throw the blame around Ronnikens," teased Fred.

"Yeah, we would never hurt you," continued George.

"They're angels, they wouldn't do that," Y/N added. After Ron got up (sending her very dirty looks for going along with his brothers) she said, "did Hermione get here yet?"

Ron ignored her question out of spite and headed to the house. But his mission to be petty failed, because mere seconds later he found Y/N throwing herself on his back, making him drop his broom.

"Just like that you're gonna ignore your best friend that you haven't seen in over a month?" Said Y/N in fake shock.

"Get off me idiot," said Ron through laughs.

"Not until you say you'll give me attention."

"Fine! Fine! I'll give you attention now get off! You're heavy!"

Y/N got off Ron's back and pulled him into a hug, muttering "rude".

As Y/N pulled away, she felt Fred's hand land on her shoulder.

"Just like that you're cheating on your boyfriend?" He said.

"Yeah Y/N, not cool," George added.

"Excuse me, but what boyfriend are you talking about exactly?" Y/N asked just as Ron said (quite angrily) "You have a boyfriend?!"

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