Fourth Year ➪ Midnight Games

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School would be starting tomorrow, and after a delicious dinner, Mrs Weasley insisted they go straight to bed, so that they would get to the train on time

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School would be starting tomorrow, and after a delicious dinner, Mrs Weasley insisted they go straight to bed, so that they would get to the train on time.

Y/N was laying on her mattress, unable to fall asleep. She had been laying in bed for around an hour. For some reason, her mind wouldn't turn off and let her rest.

She turned over in her covers, only to find that she didn't feel comfortable in any way that she laid. So she stepped out of her bed as quietly as possible to not wake up Hermione and Ginny.

After she managed to leave the room making minimal noise, she made her way to the kitchen with more ease. But her quest to get to the kitchen without waking anyone up was almost ruined after she walked into the kitchen and was met with someone else who apparently had the same idea as her to go down and have a glass of water.

"Merlin!" She whisper-shouted as she almost ran into the person at the entrance of the kitchen. But before she could say anything else, she was quickly shoved against the wall behind her, and a hand was pressed to her lips.

"Be quiet!" said Harry, pinning her to the wall. "You'll wake someone up!"

"Sorry," Y/N murmured under his hand. "slipped out."

Y/N's eyes were on Harry's face as he looked towards the ceiling to make sure he didn't hear any noises indicating they woke anyone up. His hair was messier than usual, his glasses slid down slightly on the bridge of his nose, and the bright green in his eyes was visible even though the only source of lighting was the moon shining through the kitchen window. She couldn't help but notice how... attractive he looked.

Harry lowered his eyes and looked into hers then quickly let his hand fall from her mouth and backed away, noticing how close they were.

"W-what are you doing awake?" said Harry, rubbing his neck.

"Couldn't sleep," whispered Y/N. "you?"


Y/N gave him an unconvinced look.

"Fine, I couldn't stop thinking about my dream," he admitted.

Y/N let out a sad sigh. "I get it Harry, but you have nothing to do about it now. You did the right thing telling Sirius, and if you're still worried, you can even send a letter to Dumbledore."

"I guess you're right," said Harry, and after a moment's hesitation and internal debate he added, "well, there's something else."

"What?" Y/N asked, concerned.

"In the dream," he started hesitantly, "I told you, Ron, and Hermione that Voldemort was planning to kill someone." Y/N nodded hesitantly "Well, I did hear who they were planning on killing."

Harry paused.

"They were talking about killing... me."

Y/N's eyes widened.

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