Fourth Year ➪ 14

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August 1st 1994

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August 1st 1994

Y/N turned over in her bed, not happy about the loud noise her neighbours' kids were making from outside. She groaned in annoyance and got up from her bed to close her window.

Y/N smiled and lay down back in her bed but it was not long before she was interrupted once more by her door opening.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY FIN!" her brother Jonathan shouted, startling Y/N, making her sit up quickly in her bed.

She rubbed her eyes, still not awake enough to respond.

Before she could even open her mouth, Jonathan tackled her back down to her bed and tickled her, just like he did when they were younger.

"Jo-Jonathan--sto-stop--it I-I just--woke up--" she said in between uncontrollable laughs.

"Not happening!" Jonathan smiled. "I know from experience this is the only way to properly wake you up!"

"Okay--okay! I'm awake!" said Y/N, grinning wildly, still kicking her brother.

Jonathan stopped tickling his sister and sat down on her bed in front of her, a childish look on his face.

"How does it feel being a fourteen-year-old?" He asked Y/N.

"How does it feel acting like a five-year-old?" She retorted.

"Oh come on," Jonathan sighed, standing up. "Come downstairs. Dad is making pancakes." And he left her room, closing the door behind him -- probably for the first time in his life.

Y/N was about to stand up herself when the door to her room opened slightly and she could hear someone walking away from her room.


"I HATE YOU!" Y/N called after her brother, angrily closing the door again.

(If you don't have siblings -- this is a summary of what it's like)

She turned away, her face breaking into a smile. She was glad that the relationship between her and Jonathan hasn't changed since they found out they weren't actually siblings. Some might say that their relationship has even gotten stronger.

Y/N walked to her closet and picked out a white short-sleeved shirt, a tan skirt and some white sneakers. (Feel free to wear something else)

She looked at herself in the mirror and examined how she looked. She felt slightly uncomfortable wearing the tight shirt and skirt that showed off her figure. But before she changed, she stopped herself. She bought this outfit shopping with her mother and Tonks last week. She was so excited to wear this and loved how it looked, so she decided that even if she was feeling slightly insecure, she would wear it, because she deserves to be pretty on her birthday. (WEAR WHATEVER YOU WANT LOVES! YOU ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL AND SHOULDN'T LET INSECURITIES RUIN YOUR LIVES!!!)

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