Third Year ➪ Diagon Alley

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guys if you already read this on my first upload please don't spoil it in the comments I'm begging you!!

guys if you already read this on my first upload please don't spoil it in the comments I'm begging you!!

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Y/N was woken up in the morning by the sound of someone opening the door to her room. Usually, she is a heavier sleeper, but on that specific day, she was very excited because she was supposed to go and get her school supplies from Diagon Alley. On the previous day, she received a letter from Ron, saying that he will be going to Diagon Alley today, (where Harry is) and he will be staying at the Leakey Cauldron so that they could go together to the platform, he also said that Hermione might come too, and when she asked her parents if she could stay too, they agreed.

"You awake?" Jonathan asked her from the entrance of her room.


"Mum said that she wants to leave in forty-five minutes so you should get dressed and make sure you're all packed for the year."

Y/N felt too tired to answer so she just gave him a thumbs up and he left her room, not fully closing her door.

"Oh come on," Y/N muttered angrily as she got up from her bed to close the door.

She went to her closet (which was mainly empty because most of her clothes were in her trunk, waiting to be taken for her new school year) and chose a simple outfit for today. As she went to her bathroom to brush her teeth, she felt the need to use her new mascara, she had only worn it once, on her birthday, but for some unknown reason, she wanted to feel prettier today for her trip to Diagon Alley.

After she finished getting ready in her bathroom she took her toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush and mascara and put them in her trunk. Before she went downstairs to the kitchen, she did a final sweep around her room, making sure she didn't forget anything she might need for the upcoming school year.

As Y/N stepped into the kitchen she instantly smelled her mother's pancakes. Audrey doesn't bake much, but every year on the last day of summer she makes pancakes for her children, just like her mother used to do for her before she passed away.

Y/N's mother doesn't talk much about her family, apparently, they weren't very good people, but every time Audrey talks about her mother, she speaks with a smile, so Y/N liked to think that her grandmother was the only decent person from that family; except Audrey, of course.

"Good morning sweetheart," said Y/N's father, Dominick, in his distinct French accent as he gave her a side hug and a kiss on her head.

"Good morning Y/N," Audrey said as she flipped another pancake. "Sit down and eat I want to leave at ten."

Y/N sat down on her kitchen table and loaded her plate with pancakes and reached for a jar of Nutella, a muggle chocolate that her father introduced to her, that she is now obsessed with, and spread some on her pancake.

A few minutes after she started eating, she felt a nudge on the back of her head. She turned her head to see her brother, Jonathan, who looked like he had woken up five minutes prior.

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