Fourth Year ➪ Affirmations

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The day of the first task had a pretty good start

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The day of the first task had a pretty good start. The previous night practising with Y/N had raised Harry's confidence. He even managed to eat his entire breakfast without having to run out and vomit.

Y/N noticed that during History of magic, their first class of the day, Harry seemed distant and anxious. He was staring at a wall and fidgeting with his hands for most of the lesson. At one point it began bothering her, so she grabbed his hand softly from under the table, leaning into him and whispering, "Don't worry Harry. You'll be fine. You know the spell." When she saw that Harry still seemed anxious she started rubbing her thumb across the back of his hand, not stopping until the bell rang and Harry squeezed her hand slightly, before letting go and packing his things, his anxious face replaced with a tiny smile.

Without even noticing how quickly the time went by, Y/N and Harry were walking to lunch, this time with Hermione.

Y/N was in the middle of trying to convince Harry to eat lunch when she noticed Professor McGonagall hurrying over to them in the Great Hall. Lots of people were watching.

"Potter, the champions have to come down onto the grounds now. . . . You have to get ready for your first task."

"Okay," said Harry, standing up, his fork falling onto his plate with a clatter.

"Good luck, Harry," Hermione whispered. "You'll be fine!"

"I'll walk you out," said Y/N, after looking around and seeing the prying eyes of the entire school looking at them. Harry rose from his seat quickly and walked out with his head tilted down slightly, Y/N following him hurriedly.

"I'm not going to ask you how you are because I know that you'll lie and there isn't time for that," said Y/N the second they stepped out of the great hall. "Listen, Harry, you know the spell. You know it and you can do it great. You just need to be confident."

"Well it's a bit hard to be confident with a giant dragon breathing fire at you," said Harry sassily.

Y/N looked at him sadly for a moment and then leaned in, swinging her hands over his shoulders.

"I know this isn't a game, but it feels like you need a good luck hug," she said, as Harry leaned into the hug, burying his head into her shoulder. "I believe in you. You can do this. Don't worry Harry. I believe in you enough for the both of us. . . ."

Despite the pure anxiety running through his veins, Harry felt his heart swell as he listened to Y/N's affirming words.

After a few long moments of comforting silence, they let go of each other.

"Thanks," said Harry with a soft smile.

"Anytime," Y/N smiled at him. "Now go kick some Hufflepuff butt."

Harry chuckled lightly and walked out of the building, heading towards the first task.

Y/N looked at Harry leaving for a few seconds, anxiety filling her blood.

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