Third year ➪ Christmas

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After Harry left through the secret passage, Y/N, Ron, and Hermione walked back silently to Hogwarts

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After Harry left through the secret passage, Y/N, Ron, and Hermione walked back silently to Hogwarts.

The whole way back Y/N was thinking of what they had heard. Black was so much worse than she had originally thought.

He killed two of his friends and was responsible for the deaths of two others. All Pettigrew wanted to do was to confront his friend for his betrayal. And Grace just got there, wondering what happened.

Y/N had always loved the name Grace. It was her second name, and she thought that it was really beautiful.

And then her mind wandered to Harry, who didn't ask for any of this. He's been through enough in his life. She wondered how Harry was at the moment. Is he okay? Does he need his friends? Does he want to be alone? Y/N was usually great at knowing what Harry was feeling, but what do you feel when you find out that your parents died because their best friend betrayed them?

And without noticing, they already reached Hogwarts.

During dinner Y/N, Ron, and Hermione were throwing worrying glances towards Harry, not daring to speak of what they'd heard at the Three Broomsticks, but it was clear they were all thinking of it.

When they went up to the common room, Harry slipped from his friends and went up to the boys' dorms.

"Should I go up to him?" Ron asked hesitantly

"You should probably give him some time," Y/N advised. Ron looked immensely relieved.

"It's crazy isn't it?" Hermione asked them. "What we'd heard."

"I feel so bad for Harry," Y/N said sympathetically. "Can't the world just give the poor boy a break?" Hermione shrugged

After a few moments of silence, Y/N and Hermione wished Ron good luck and separated into their dormitories.


Y/N went down the next morning to see Hermione already sitting in the empty common room, her homework spread over three tables.

"'Mione it's the first morning of the holidays," said Y/N with a yawn. "Why are you already doing your homework?"

"I want to get a head-start," said Hermione. "Unlike you Ron and Harry I don't want to have to do all of my school work on the last day."

"You have a point," Y/N sat down next to her friend. "But it's still too early."

So they sat together, talking, trying not to think of what they heard the previous day, for twenty minutes until Ron came downstairs.

"Is he awake?" Y/N asked Ron the moment he reached where they were sitting.

Ron shook his head and sat down.

The three waited a bit for Harry but when they noticed he probably won't come down they decided to go to breakfast.

When they got back Hermione sat down to continue her homework, Ron was sitting aimlessly, looking for something to do, and Y/N was reading a book about complex spells that she wanted to try. They may have also rehearsed what they would say to Harry once he woke up.

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