Fourth Year ➪ Getting To Know Each Other

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It was five minutes to eight and Y/N was walking nervously toward the entrance hall

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It was five minutes to eight and Y/N was walking nervously toward the entrance hall.

She had the opportunity to talk to Felicity during the day and ask her about Louis and she did ease her mind a bit.

"I've never met him," She said, "He's not very popular at Beuxbatons but I have seen him around the school and he seems sweet."

As Y/N reached the entrance hall two minutes before eight, she saw that Louis was already standing there, flowers in hand, waiting for her.

"Hey," said Y/N, walking up to him.

"Bonjour," said Louis, his face lighting up. "These are for you." He handed her the bouquet full of colourful flowers.

"Thanks," grinned Y/N, surprised by the kind gesture. "So, have you thought of what we could do?"

"Well I didn't have much time to plan, so I thought we could walk around and get to know each other," said Louis awkwardly. "Unless you have another idea."

"That sounds good," Y/N replied kindly.

And so they started walking out, the moonlight shining on the grounds.

"I like walking around here during the free time I have," said Louis, "your school is so beautiful. Scotland is such a beautiful place."

"Yeah, it is," agreed Y/N. "Have you ever been here before?"

"No," he replied, "I've only ever been in France and England. My parents don't leave the country much. What about you? Does your family travel a lot?"

"Mostly around Europe but yes. I love going on planes. They're so weird."

"Lucky you," said Louis, sounding jealous. "My parents are kind of against all 'muggle stuff'"

"That's a bummer. . . . My father is a muggle so I learned quite a lot about the muggle world from him."

"Maybe you could teach me a bit about the muggle world. I know just about nothing about muggles. I have a muggleborn friend — his name is Mark — that always makes fun of how clueless I am when it comes to the muggle world."

"It's fine, I have a friend that knows little about muggles. It's quite common for wizards to not know about the muggle world."

Louis shrugged and the two continued with their walk on the grounds.

"So, where do you want to go? Left or right?" said Y/N, as the two reached the end of their path.

"If you don't mind then I actually have a nice place that I found one night walking around your school," said Louis, "It's right here to the right, and it really is beautiful."

"Sure, why not?" replied Y/N.

"After you mademoiselle," said Louis jokingly, giving a slight bow, making Y/N giggle.

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