Fourth Year ➪ The Portkey

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Harry and Ron barely had time to sleep before they were awoken by Mrs Weasley, telling them it was time to leave for the game

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Harry and Ron barely had time to sleep before they were awoken by Mrs Weasley, telling them it was time to leave for the game. And the chilly weather outside made the thought of getting out of bed even less compelling. But eventually, they both got up and got ready.

They went downstairs and ate breakfast with Y/N, Hermione, and Ginny, and soon enough they, Mr Weasley, Fred, and George were out on their way to the portkey.

The moon was still out when they left the house. Only a dull, greenish tinge along the horizon to their right showed that daybreak was drawing closer.

Y/N and Harry were walking tiredly beside one another. After a few moments of walking in comfortable silence, Harry looked for a second in Y/N's direction and he noticed something that his tired state made him fail to see before.

She was wearing his maroon jumper.

Harry's heart gave a huge leap in his chest and he no longer felt as tired as he was before. But a few seconds after feeling that excitement surge through him, it was overpowered by another sense of embarrassment.

"Nice jumper," he commented awkwardly.

Y/N glanced down for a second then moved to look at Harry. "I told you I'd eventually get it." She smirked at him.

"It's so embarrassing that I gave you that," Harry mumbled with an awkward laugh. "I should've just written you a letter."

"No it's fine," Y/N smiled. "I would have gotten this jumper either way." and she winked at him playfully.

It was as if the monster in Harry's stomach was having a party there. His face instantly heated up, making Harry confused at his odd reaction. "No chance." He ended up saying, not as confidently as he wished to.

"Oh believe me I would've."

"Just like you succeeded before?" Harry looked at her teasingly, taking in how beautiful she looked wearing his clothes. "Anyways, I'm gonna get you another present once I can. So I'll take that away from you as fast as possible." He said, not actually caring that much about getting his jumper back as long as that meant she would keep wearing it.

"Not happening."

"Yes it is."




"You know what?" Harry suggested. "I won't get you a 'make up' birthday present and you'll keep the jumper."

"Fine, but you have to buy me a bomb Christmas present."

"Deal," said Harry with a small laugh.

Harry looked forward once more and saw Fred and George walking backwards and smirking at them. Even Hermione would every few seconds turn back to look at the two and on her face was a smug expression. Once Harry caught her gaze she gave him a last smirk and turned back around.

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