War Log #4: Monsters Launch

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Southeast Asia, December 1941

After the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese Army and Navy had the chance to do their next orders from the Emperor. That is to spread the Sphere of Influence, by the means of it, it was to "asianize" their asian neighbors. With the many small islands and oceans, Imperial Japan take charge thanks to the crippling defeat of Pearl Harbor.

However, the Imperial Japanese Navy, got a sweat fallling on their heads, and that is because they realized they didn't find their most important target when attacking Pearl Harbor. That main target was to sunk or bombed the US aircraft carriers. All of them aren't at Pearl Harbor but inexchange of destroying US Battleships. The Imperial Japanese Navy need to upgrade their navy incase of the incoming of US aircraft carriers.

In the Japanese Military Congress

Japanese Commander: I told Nagumo to locate their aircraft carriers and destroy their fuel tanks!

Japanese Commander: But he refused!

Japanese Admiral: It is a devastating mistake from Nagumo.

Japanese Admiral: If it sunk or destroy their aircraft carriers and fuel tanks, it would have taken the Americans an entire year to resume operations at Pearl Harbor.

Japanese Commander: When are you going to remove him from command?

Japanese Commander: He only just sunk American battleships. Everyone thought of him as  a hero.

Japanese Commander: Someday that old fool will make an even bigger mistake.

Japanese Admiral: We will about this later, for now we have a talk with the Imperial Japanese Army.

Japanese Commander: Taking over China and Southeast Asia I assume.

Japanese Admiral: Hai.

Meanwhile in the United States,

US Admiral Chester W. Nimitz arrives on the Main Navy Building, he walks inside going to meet Admiral Ernest King. They talked about the next plan, after the USA had declared war on Imperial Japan.

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: Congratulations, sir. You were theright choice for commander-in-chiefof the Navy. 

Ad. Ernest King: When they get in trouble, they sendfor the sons of bitches.(beat)Sorry about the Arizona. She wasyour flagship, wasn't she? 

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: Yes. A lot of good men on that ship.We hear the pain in Nimitz's tone: he's lost countlessfriends. 

Admiral Ernest King waves at the folding chairs. As they sit -- 

Ad. Ernest King: The situation in the Pacific is evenworse than has been reported. Wehave three carriers, the Japs haveten. We have zero functionalbattleships, they have nine. Theyhave more cruisers, more bombers,more fighters, and much of theirequipment is more modern. 

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: Can we shift resources from theAtlantic? Since we are also supplying the British and the Soviets there in Europe?

Ad. Ernest King: The President has decided that Germanymust be the priority of the wareffort. If England and Russia fall...The enormity of the challenge weighs on both men. 

Ad. Ernest King: Much worse, with the time being, it will take at least a year to buildnew ships and train more men. In themeantime we'll just have to count onthe boys we have to hold the line. 

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