War Log #16: Sinking Miss

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Hiryu fleet, June 6, 1942, Afternoon

To the horrors of the two battleships, having to destroy 2 submarines, 1 battlecruiser, 1 cruiser, and 3 destroyers and on air the American squadrons approaching the Hiryu, both forces are beginning to squeeze Hiryu into a corner. The battleships are pushing through the fleet because of  the Yorktown, having known that there are submarines and a salvaging of the Yorktown are on its way they attack the fleet to give way for the squadron to fire at the Hiryu.

Dick Best: I can't believe those damn son of a bitches destroyed that many ships! How strong are  those battleships anyway?!

M. D. F: I don't know! But I heard that the USS Iowa and USS Kentucky are at at their mission at Europe while the Winconsin and New Jersey are stationed at Pearl!

Dick Best: We can't let those battleships waiting! Let's blow up this bastard up!

Murray: We've got Zeroes on our tail!

Best grunts to himself and then glances back and forth betweenthe bombsight and the rapidly-approaching carrier. Ferociousflak is bursting on either side of the plane, and the airframeshakes as fragments piece the wings. 

M.D.F. focuses as well, keeping his eyes locked on his target, noticing the red dot on the deck he focus on the red dot. Best keeps his eyes locked on his target. Bombssplash in the water off her starboard side as the elusiveHiryu tightens her turn to avoid her attackers.


As the other American planes as well the Japanese are having a dogfight, M. D. F. ordered the other planes to be detached from the dogfight as he orders to go forward to the aircraft carrier. The other planes followed as they left the dogfight. 

The crew onboard sees the detached planes as he shouted to fire, send all the AA guns to the detached force.

Ad. Yamaguchi peers to his binoculars, to his horror, the planes were in a dogfight with theirs but what's most horrifying is that there are 9 American planes detached from the fight heading towards the Hiryu.

With Best on the front and looking at his family, same as M. D. F. looking at his family picture with his  younger brother, the planes all followed their planes, pushing the lever forward and the other backward, their planes began to dive.

Best stares through his windscreen at the bridge. He's barelytwelve hundred feet above the carrier. 

Murray: I can't shake these damn Zeroes! 

He fires at the chasing Zeroes as the other planes were shot, from bullets, lead, and metal, flames erupted from the aircraft and pockets of smoke at the sky.

Both Best and M. D. F. locked their target on the Hiryu with their bombs ready, they manuever through the wreckage, flames, and bullets from their AAs. 

For the battleships, their bow was now moderately damage with only few doors left the ship will be sinking, but with their damaged hulls and armaments, they kept on going sending salvos  on each side. From destroyers to cruisers, cruisers to battlecruisers, and battlecruisers to battleships.

The submarines tried their best to fire their torpedoes to the battleships but the battleships kept on moving randomly forward, sending salvos of HE shells and shells, with their remaining secondary turrets firing shells, both battleships were damaged by the salvos, but with the Hiryu  near, they saved their HE shells, the battleship with the 63 sped  forward to the Hiryu while the battleship with the 65 sped to fire their salvos to the light aircraft carriers and destroyers.

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