War Log #8: Corals and Ills

932 22 15

Main Navy Building, May 1, 1942

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: From the Japanese codes we have interpreted and decoded, the Japanese are sending their carriers into Coral Sea.

R. Ad. Edwin Layton: Yes sir.

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: I see. They're trying to break our lifeline to Australia. We lost many territory from Southeast Asia as well as the Philippines.

He then orders the telegrams for transmission.

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: Send a secure message to Admiral Halsey.

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: I want Enterprise to join Yorktown and Lexington to Coral Sea, to make the second punch against the Japanese carriers.

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: I also want to include Sailor #075 with Illinois as his first major run against the Japs.

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: Tell Halsey that time is a factor.

Rear Admiral Edwin Layton then reported to Admiral Nimitz about the rest of the Japanese codes that were decoded by one of his officers. He tells him that Coral Sea was just a warm up as he reported that the major ships there are the Shoho, Shokaku, and Zuikaku while the rest are their fleet as a warm up. He suspects that the Japs are planning something bigger as much as a surprise.

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: What's their next target after that?

R. Ad. Edwin Layton: We haven't yet decoded it as for now we suspect that the Japs are planning something bigger... Much bigger that might cripple our fleet.

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: I shall get the papers, for now the fleet must be ready for leaving.

Meanwhile at the USS Illinois

Sailor #075 was surprised to see the new environment the new battleship he was living. For the most of the time from April, he was living in the ship. Remembering his former ship, he decides to try make new memories with the crew of USS Illinois. One of them came to him and greeted him a good morning.

I. O. R: How's the new ship brother?

Sailor #075: It's even bigger than the last one! I didn't even know how I got here in the first place?!

I. O. R: Well, surprise, surprise. Admiral Nimitz told me and the high ranks.

Sailor #075: Huh? Nimitz himself?!

I. O. R: He told us to make you join the crew of the new USS Illinois. After all, he has bigger plans for you.

Sailor #075: Making me go higher ranking?

I. O. R: It's a guess.

I. O. R: But, for now, it seems both of us will be going on a trip to Coral Sea.

Sailor #075: Let me guess. Japanese aircraft carriers?

I. O. R: Yes, most of the carriers like USS Yorktown and USS Lexington are there.

Sailor #075: Then what are we waiting for! Let's take out those bastards!

I. O. R: Alright, the Enterprise as well will be coming.

On May 7, 1942 at Coral Sea.

The US Fleet at the islands are now  in contact with the Japanese fleet, having the Shokaku and Zuikaku launched their aircraft to which it bombed and attacked USS Neosho and USS Sims. Both aircraft carriers launched their aircraft to attack the incoming US Fleet.

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