Chapter 32: Admiral's Deja

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Pacific Ocean, Operation Reinforce,

All ships sensed hope within her, Enterprise carries the hope of all of Azur Lane, with the hope from Ash and Missouri, she then shouts...


She had summoned her riggings, firing several arrows at the Siren ships as well as the Orochi's barrier.

Enterprise: Everyone! FIRE AT THE OROCHI!

Akagi: You heard her! All forces! ALL FIRE!!!

Every ship fired their armaments to the Orochi. Sending a barrage of salvo, the raining down of HE shells, AP shells, planes opened fired, and a barraging rows of torpedoes at the ship.

But to no avail.

That damn force field was in the way of the Orochi itself.

Prince Of Wales: It's not even weakening!

Enterprise: It's force field was stronger than what I expected to be.

Massa: Of course it would be stronger!

Massachusetts: What do you mean?

Alaba: To put it simply, modern ships or advanced weaponry of ships have the audacity to add a force field around the ship! The force field was a thorn on our side, due to the fact that it protects from outdated weapons!

Alabama: Does that also happen with your experience?

Alaba: Yes, much to Little Rock's countless barrage of missiles, it damaged the force field, much to her being a ship that has gone overboard!

Denver: Does that explain why she's a bit different?

Little Rock: Yes Denver~ *Giggles* I'm a bit fed up by that stupid Purifier, so I got a little off the hedge. *Laughs*

Cleveland: Have you gone this far sister?

Little Rock: Yes really~ Thanks to my big brothers and my foster family of the preserved ships, I managed to control myself. Until now that is...

Monteplier: I wonder how our other sisters would feel when they learned about you being a survivor.

Enterprise launched her squadrons and arrows, destroying 10 of the High-class Sirens. Followed by Akagi and Kaga launching their own aircraft.

Omitter, Tester, and Observer Alpha watched the events unfold, looking at Akagi now well, they smiled a bit. Much to their delight when Tester Beta reported about the ongoing fight that Arbiter: Empress III and a shipboy are having on their arena.

Omitter: So, he really did kept the promise!

Tester: Indeed, I thanked my sister Beta for reporting us that.

Observer: Much to our delight, Ashes, the remnants of the 3rd timeline are invited to come and join our special arena event.

Tester: Speaking of which, it seems that our Empress have some feelings toward the young boy.

Omitter: How so?

Observer: She has taken communication through the Black Box I gave from Akagi, which was taken by USS Little Rock, then taken by USS Missouri, and returned it to us in exchange for Akagi.

Omitter: So our Empress has an adventure of her own.

Omitter then took out Purifier's head.

Omitter: Speaking of such adventure.

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