War Log #6: Illinois' Arrival

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Rear Admiral and Admiral in Nimitz's Office

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: Morale is low -- and for good reason. Evenworse, meaningful reinforcements won'tarrive for at least another year. Inevertheless believe that we can holdthe line. I know the fighting spiritof our men, and I have faith in them. 

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: *BEAT* But I also need to know that theyhave faith in themselves. 

Layton chews over the words for a long moment; he understandsexactly what Nimitz is asking him. Connecting the question to his answer, he finally replied--

R. Ad. Edwin Layton:I knew what the Japanese were goingto do, but I didn't push hard enough.I won't make that mistake again. I'm sorry.

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: I see.

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: Now let's get into the point. With the Japanese now taking advantage of the surprise attack to invade most of Asia, we are going to take them a punch from our side.

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: With reports of the Japanese Navy and Army invaded and conquered the islands of Guam, Wake Island, and Hong Kong.

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: The British are as well losing their own ships, such as HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Repulse from Japanese aircraft. The Japs have gotten more powerful ever since the War in Europe began.

R. Ad. Edwin Layton: Then...

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: I also got a message from General Douglas A. MacArthur that the Japanese are have invaded the Philippines. I felt that the Americans and Filipinos there won't hold them for too long. 

Nimitz called to Layton.

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: You will be my Admiral Yamamoto.Get in his head, tell me what he'sgoing to do next.Nimitz walks over to the giant map, Layton trailing him. 

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: Here's my first assignment. We needto throw a punch. Not just for morale,but so that the Japanese know whatit feels like to be hit. 

Nimitz's finger circles a desolate cluster of islands squarelyin the center of the Pacific. 

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: Starting right there. *Points at the Marshall Islands*

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: I'm sending Halsey and the Enterpriseto hit the Marshall Islands. But Ineed to know that they aren't walkinginto a trap. They have many Japanese aircraft carriers, we however are in construction, the Yorktown-class will be our use for now.

R. Ad. Edwin Layton: I shall locate the Japanese aircraft carriers incase.

Ad. Chester W. Nimitz: Okay.

Back in the United States Navy, in Philadelphia Naval Shipyard

On September 10, 1940 the engineers with their high-skilled allies, they built the last remaining Iowa-class battleships in secret. After they reported to William Francis Gibbs that USS Iowa, USS New Jersey, and USS Winconsin are finished, with secret launchings and sea trials.

On December 9, 1941 the USS Illinois was launched, with USS Kentucky still on construction of the hull. After the success of USS Illinois, they reported it as well to William Francis Gibbs, as he soon told it to Admiral Chester W. Nimitz. From 1941 to 1942, the engineers instantly start building the USS Illinois at full force, from his armaments to his conning towers, as well as the decks. Adding a few modifications to the ship.

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