War Log #17: Going Home

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Enterprise Fleet, June 7, 1942

At the Flag Bridge, R. Ad. Spruance peers down peers down at the map, arms crossed. He finallyturns to Browning.

R. Ad. Spruance: The Japanese might charge with their battleships.

R. Ad. Spruance: We don't have any recent reports of the two battleships, and the Yorktown didn't make it out.

R. Ad. Spruance: So we have to withdraw for the night.

Cap. Browning: But their fleet might be out of range in the morning.

R. Ad. Spruance: It's Nimitz's orders. Nimitz ordered us to be judicious.

R. Ad. Spruance: After all, we won a great victory today, let's now blow it.

While the deck crew are cleaning the small parts of metal left behind by Dickinson's plane, Dickinson decides to conclude that  Best and M. D. F. didn't make it out of the battle. But just before he goes back inside.



The sound of plane engines roar in the sky, as the sun sets, Dickinson sees two lone SBDs lowering down about the hit the deck. I. O. R. then went outside after hearing the radar  reporting two planes, he went to see the two planes. Both of them are now losing fuel only a few milliters left.

Best and M. D. F. controled the remaining force of their plane as its  propeller begin to stop and now beginning to hit Enterprise's deck seeing the arresting wires.

Dickinson: Dick Best! God damn!

I. O. R: They made it back!

The flight deck crew followed as the two planes were heading down.

Dick best: Hang in there, kid.

M. D. F: We are almost there, kid. (To his wingman behind him)

Dick Best: We're almost home.

Both planes then flew slowly down as both planes finally land on the Enterprise. Best hits the first arresting wires and M. D. F. at the second arresting wires. Dickinson and I. O. R. are the first to reach the planes as a crowd of men rush towardthe plane. 

Both men stare at each other.

Dick Best: Thought you were dead. 

Dickinson: They said the same thing about you. 

Dick Best: Glad they were wrong. 

M. D. F: Finally, home sweet Enterprise.

I. O. R: I though you were dead!

M. D. F: What makes you say that?

I. O. R: Your last message was to attack the main Japanese fleet, hitting the Akagi.

M. D. F: Yeah, I took some refueling at the Hornet because of the nearest carrier I could find.

I. O. R: Glad you are okay. *Takes out a flask of whiskey*

M. D. F: A victory drink?

The men share a look, so much unsaid and then Dickinsonhands him a flask of whiskey. 

Dickinson: Medicinal. Admiral's orders. 

Best jerks his finger at the back seat, where a drained Murrayis unstrapping himself. 

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