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Skidding across the red makeshift spray painted finish line all I could hear was the roar of my engine, the roar of the crowd and my Laci my best friend screaming at me, "Have you lost your damn mind?!"

Uh oh... She's pissed. Glancing at the plethora of TV's connected to trail cameras I could see the replay that pissed her off.

Killing the engine I jump out of my matte black Nissan Skyline, the last of my competitors crossing the finish line. "Lace calm down I was perfectly fine." I giggle, Laci obviously not finding the current situation as enjoyable as I do. Maybe I was still just on a high from my latest win. "I understand that your favorite movie is Fast and Furious but that doesn't mean you need to almost drive off a cliff you donut!" She all but roared at me before closing the distance in a bone crushing hug.

"Donut? Really?"

"Shut up."

"Lace, you know what I always say if you're not first you're last. That asshole was in my way and the cliff was the only way around."

"You really needs to stop watching those god damn racing movies."

"Actually that was from Taledaga Nights!"

"Who cares?"

I couldn't help bursting into laughter. Laci has been my best friend since our diaper days. Standing tall at 5'8", a body that supermodels would kill for, piercing blue eyes, long fiery red hair, and the attitude to match. My sister from another mister. She's the yin to my yang.

After checking me over for any injuries, she finally calmed down. A silly habit she has picked up ever since I crashed last year. She now does this after after every race. "I'm fine Lace, I just need to talk to Mac and we can head home."

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Mac waiting for me with my cash. Throwing Laci a quick wink I spun on my heel and sauntered over. "Another great race out there darlin'." Mac's thick southern accent compliments. "Why thank you my dear Macaroni. I'll take that off your hands now." I quickly counted a few hundred dollars handing it to Mac. "Your cut my darling." He throws me a cheesy smile and a quick peck on the cheek. "You're the best J."

"Same time next week?"

"Oh you know it. You take my girl out on a nice date with that chunk of change now ya hear?"

Mac organizes all of the races, whilst still keeping it on the down low from the local law enforcement. He also stole Laci's heart two years ago. They met shortly after he moved here and have been inseparable ever since. Love at first sight if you will. I know if soulmates were real Mac was most definitely Laci's.

Street racing isn't exactly legal, but growing up in this small little race town it's expected to happen. We're the children of street racers past, our parents obviously know what we're up to. They just don't say anything to avoid being hypocritical towards their children. As long as we keep on the down low and don't bother the law they don't bother us. It's a win win situation really.

Walking back to Laci I passed one of my competitors and he slammed into my shoulder nearly knocking me over.

"Watch where you're going!" He snapped, not even bothering to apologize. "Me?! You're the one who slammed into my shoulder. Watch where you're going asshole." I snarl.

He abruptly turned around and God damn was he attractive. He towered over me. He has to be at least 6'2" maybe even "6'3". Jet black hair that had the perfect 'I woke up like this' look to it, and the most piercing green eyes I've ever seen. All topped off with the body of a Greek god. Definitely drool worthy, but as soon as he opened his mouth his rotten attitude came out. I was to busy drooling that I didn't realize how close he was until he spoke. "Like what you see princess?"

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