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I take off from the red line quickly shifting through the gears. Before I even reach the first bend I've taken first place. This is easy. To easy almost. The thought crossed my mind to slow down and make the race a bit more fun for me. But ultimately decided against it.

I drift around sharp turns, and skirt around long bends. I glance down at the speedometer. 135. Pressing down on the accelerator on the straight away my car roars. 152. I rip the e brake drifting around a hairpin turn, shifting back through the gears I get back up to speed.178.

I was almost to the bottom now, when something in the pit if my stomach tells me to slow down. I was going to ignore it, but the feeling got so strong I felt like throwing up. I rip the e brake stopping as quickly as I can. Out of nowhere, a few hundred yards ahead of me a boulder from the cliff next to me slams to the ground. Right where the turn around was, and right where I would have been if I hadn't stopped.

Not giving myself time to freak out I step on the accelerator proceeding to the turn around. I could panic later. I was overtaken by second place, but I'd catch up quick enough. Roaring up the mountain the guy in front of me wasn't letting me pass. I veer one way, so does he. I was pissed, and I definitely was not going to let a stupid fucking rock be the reason I lose a race.

We came up to the hairpin turn, both of us drifting around it. I try to pass him again and he blocks me. I audibly growl, stepping on the accelerator, shifting once more.

Half way back up my opportunity to pass him comes. A right-hand sharp curve, the barricade long gone so it was nothing but open cliff. "I'm sorry Laci, please don't kill me." I move my car to the outside of the turn. He was smart, staying on the inside of the curve. I rip the e brake drifting out, hoping I don't go over the edge.

Desperate times calls for desperate measures I guess.

I can feel my car losing control but I stay calm. My car begins to shake violently, I can see my back tires dangerously close to going off the edge. Deep breaths J stay in control. With one huge deep breath I'm around the corner, now side by side with my opponent. My car is still wobbly but I don't care. "You got this J." Back on the pavement I regain control of my car, only for my opponent and I to both loose traction on what I assume is black ice. He slows down and I make the stupid decision to speed up, fishtailing but indeed taking over first place again.

Laci was so going to kill me when I finished.

I manage to stay in first the rest of the race. I pull across the finish line without any theatrical antics. Just slowing down my car normally, white knuckling the steering wheel. I had enough of that during this race. I kill the engine of my car, shaking. I don't have the strength to get out and celebrate my victory. "Holy shit okay deep breaths J." I close my eyes and place my head on the wheel trying to calm myself. When I said I wanted and interesting race this was the last thing on my mind.

I hear the cheers around me as I shake.

Deep breaths. You're fine.

Everyone was so excited that I won. Don't get me wrong, so was I. But damn that was a close call. I can see people running to my car in my peripheral vision. I slowly take off my safety belt, and turn off the car. Taking a few more deep breaths.

My car door gets ripped open and I'm pulled from my car. A pair of lips are on mine slamming me against the side of my car. I instantly melt into the kiss wrapping my arms around his neck, my hands digging into his hair. I furiously kiss Archer back, melting into his arms. He pulls away holding my face in his. "Don't you ever scare me like that again Jupiter." She shakily whispers as I open my eyes. He rests his forehead on mine closing his eyes. "Please just take the loss next time." He opens his eyes and his clover orbs are filled with fear. It was my turn to hold his face. "I'm okay Arch, I'm fine. Promise."

He places another peck on my lips. "I can't lose you, I just got you princess." He whispers against my lips, I gingerly pull away grabbing his face once more. "You're not gonna lose me Archer. I promise." Holding up our pinkies at the same time.

I look over the crowd for Laci, who's jaw was currently hitting the floor. Well I guess the cats out of the bag. I rest my head on his chest letting him hold me. Our embrace mutually calming each other.


"You stupid bitch!" She smacks my arm. "I don't know weather to kill you or hug you right now!" Another smack on the arm. "I mean first you don't tell me you have a boyfriend! Then you almost get yourself killed!" Two more smacks, I laugh pulling her into my arms who proceeds to break down in tears. "Laci I'm fine okay. As for Archer and I, well I don't really know what we are. We aren't dating or anything." I hear a snort behind me. I turn my head to see Archer giving me an amused look. I returned a confused look. "Later." He mouths at me. "You owe me a huge explanation young lady!" Laci smacks me once more breaking my stare from Archer. I just laugh, not knowing what to say.

"We will have a girl's day tomorrow and I will give you every grueling detail." She nods pulling away, wiping away a stray tear. "I am holding you to that." She huffs. "I need a drink." She walks to the bar. "I better go make sure she doesn't drink the place dry." Mac chimes in, not without pulling me into a quick embrace. "You good?" I smile at Mac nodding. Mac grew up racing as well, so he knows the dangers, of racing illegally.

Understanding my position. He gives me a quick Peck on the cheek. "I'm glad you're good."
After Mac walks away is just Archer and I. "We should talk." He starts, my nerves go on overdrive. Is he going to end.... Whatever this was? I hoped not. I was really enjoying it. In fact I wanted to be more than this. I wanted to claim him as my boyfriend.

"Am I in trouble?" Was the only thing I could manage to say. I was trying to lighten the mood but the look on his face was dangerous. Causing me to second guess my joke.

He took long strides up to me, trapping me against my car. "Something like that." He whispers, his minty breath on my face. "Archer before you say anything let me say my peace." I pause looking him in the eye. "I don't want to end this." I stammer. He doesn't say anything at first. "Well I do." My heart sinks to my stomach. "Oh ok-okay." I'm stuttering now, closing my eyes. "Let me clarify. I don't want whatever bullshit this is. I want more. I want to be able to hold your hand when I want to. To kiss you when I want to. I don't want to be doing this fucking tip toeing around everyone like we have been. I want you to be my girlfriend princess." My eyes snap open to the smirking ass hat in front of me. "You dick! I thought you were going to tell me that you don't want to be around me anymore or something! You can't scare me like-" He leans down promptly shutting me up with his lips.

My body instantly responds, melting into the kiss. Lips locked, out bodies pressed together so there isn't an inch of space between us. I quickly forgot what I was mad at him for. I bite his lip, causing a deep throaty moan. He licks the bottom of my lip asking for entrance, which I gladly accept. His hands go to my ass, squeezing. Heat floods through my body as I moan his name.

We both pull away breathless. My hands still in his hair, his on my ass. "So princess what do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?" I smile up at him, getting on my tip toes so I'm closer in height I kiss him. "I can't think of anything that would make me happier."

I pull his face down to mine, locking our lips again.

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